Monday, May 14, 2012

Act III, scene v

if you had overheard Lord Capulet’s remarks to Juliet, would you agree with this position? Why or why not? (143)


  1. If I had heard all the horrible remarks Lord Capulet made about Juliet to her face, I would feel the need to speak out and scream back at him, even though I never would since that is not proper. When I heard how Lord Capulet called Juliet a “green-sickness carrion” and “baggage” and “tallow-faced” I was wincing at the thought of having those titles yelled at me by my own father. I know that the Capulet’s are usually a close family and to hear that Juliet’s father basically told her how he wish he never had a daughter like her because of her qualities and response to not wanting to marry Paris was horrifying for me. I feel terrible for Juliet and I do not agree with her father on any terms because he went from giving Juliet time to marry and the ability to make her own decision to making her marry someone she hates in no more time than a week. Juliet is appalled by her father’s actions and so am I! He even said “my fingers itch” intending that he wanted to hit Juliet for disagreeing with her father about the marriage. I have never heard Lord Capulet speak about physical violence towards a woman, which displays how irritated he must be towards Juliet. I hope everything gets sorted out between Juliet and her family before she does anything drastic, because knowing her newfound sensitivity towards marriage because of her love for Romeo, I fear she might make a permanent decision out of haste because of how mad she is temporarily.

    1. Aria Vinci Barbulescu Period 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^

  2. Marco Garritano Period 7-

    A man walked into my shop the other day and began gossiping about the insults Juliet Capulet was given to by her father. Asking what he had said, it appears that Lord Capulet had called Juliet a green-sickness carrion and a tallow-face. He had also mentioned that his fingers ithced towards her. What awful remarks to make to a lady. I am a big supporter of the Capulets, but what ever happened to the Code of Chivalry. Aren't you supposed to treat women with resopect and care. That is an outrage. I could never imagine treating my wife like that, let alone one of my daughters. Lord Capulet should honestly pay for what he did. For Juliet's sake, she should run away from that awful father of hers. Being a woman as well, I would expect Lady Capulet to stand up for her daughter and herself. But do not tell anyone that I said this.

  3. Vincent Uretta Period 7- Yesterday a man on the Capulet side walked into my shop (even though I favor the Montague’s, business is business) and began talking to another man about remarks his friend told him about what Lord Capulet said to his daughter. The man was telling his friend how Juliet refused to marry her arranged husband Paris. Lord Capulet, after hearing this went on a rampage screaming mean remarks to Juliet. One of them was making fun of her pale ugly face or something like that and there were many other harsh remarks just like that one. If I was in the room when Lord Capulet was saying this to his daughter I would do nothing but agree. I am on the Montague side and when Capulet’s turn on Capulet’s it is just like good entertainment because there’s no involvement with the Montague’s which means I don’t have to do anything. So overall I would agree with the remarks that Lord Capulet made but I would not agree with why he was doing it. If a girl doesn’t want to marry someone, I believe they shouldn’t have too. My wife and I chose each other and when my kids grow older I am going to allow them to choose their love. So I agree with the comments but not the reason why he was saying them.

  4. Giuseppe Scapperotti
    Period 7
    Yesterday I was cooking for some random people that for some reason didn’t tell me who they were, but aside from that, while I was cooking I overheard someone talking about what Lord Capulet said to Juliet. He said she was a green-sickness carrion and a tallow-face, this is basically calling Juliet ugly in every way possible. No matter what the reason is, anybody who says this about somebody is wrong and disrespectful. He obviously doesn’t know the phrase, treat people the way you want to be treated because if he did, I guarantee that he would have never said that. I also disagree with is positioning because if someone ever said that to him, he would go on a rampage and probably beat the hell out of everybody in sight which can also make him a hypocrite. There are more reasons why I don’t agree with this because every man knows that no madder what, you should always treat a woman with respect. I know that if I ever said this to my wife or daughter, I would never be able to live with myself because of how disrespectful these words are.

  5. Sierra Struzzi period 3
    Maria Capulet
    Yesterday I was in my room when I herd my dad screaming at Juliet. My father said horrible things such as calling her ugly and telling her not to live in his house. I understand that my father is angry at Juliet for not wanting to marry Paris but I feel it was wrong of him to say that. Juilet is very upset over Tybalt and does not want to marry someone she does not love. My father should have never said those things to Juliet especially while she is going through such a difficult time. My father did not treat Juliet with respect at all, going against his own rule to always respect women.

  6. Giuseppe Salvatori
    pd. 3
    The other day I overheard two members of the Capulet family talking about Lord Capulet flipping out on his daughter, Juliet. Supposedly Juliet does not want to marry Paris, the man picked out by her father. Lord Capulet said many mean things to Juliet and even threatened to kick her out of the house if she did not marry Paris. I agree with Lord Capulet even though he made nasty remarks to his daughter. Juliet should respect who her father picked as her husband. He should know what is best for her and I am sure that Juliet does not have a better guy than Paris in mind to marry. It is very common for parents to pick the husband for their daughters, so Juliet should know not to explain. I may not like Lord Capulet, but he has authority over his own daughter.

  7. Maria D'Annibale (Period 4)

    If I had overheard all of Lord Capulet's remarks to Juliet, I would feel sympathy for Juliet. I do not like how Lord Capulet has the power over who his daughter will marry. He wanted her to marry Paris, the kinsman to the Prince, but she did not accept his wishes. Lord Capulet demanded that Juliet obey him and marry Paris or she would be thrown out of his house. Capulet also threatened to drag her to the ceremony if she disobeyed him. Lord Capulet also stated "My fingers itch", meaning that he wanted to hit her. I can't image the pain Juliet was going through. Juliet does not love Paris and shouldn't be forced to marry him. It should be her decision and they should also wait a little while because Juliet is still so young. Lord Capulet may be Juliet's father but I disagree with his position and demands.

  8. Antonio Antolino Period 3

    I overheard that the lord Capulet yelled at his daughter, juliet. I do not think that is acceptable at all. Romeo is a greating loving and a caring guy. He deserves juliet more then paris does. Who is paris? he is a nobody. If Juliet really wanted to marry paris she would have instead of martrying romeo.He has no right to even treaten to kick her out if she doesnt marry paris. he is only hurting himself because he is just going to drive himself away from his daughter. She is going to resent him if he doesnt let her be happy. romeo is better then paris anyway. I personally do not agree with what he did.

  9. Isabel Comizio (Period 7)

    Last night I over heard Uncle Capulet talking to my father about how disgusted he was with Juliet's behavior. I immediately pressed my ear to the door, eager to find out if Juliet finally told Aunt and Uncle Capulet about her marriage with Romeo. From what I could tell, this was not the case. Uncle Capulet explained how he demanded for Juliet to marry Paris, and she told him she rather not. Then he called her ugly, threatened to kick her out, and told her that he wanted to hit her. I immediately was devastated because I knew how much it must of upset Juliet. I definitely disagree with Unlce Capulet's reaction to Juliet's response because it is her marriage and she should get to decide who makes her happy. Also, I was surprised to how strict Uncle Capulet was being about Juliet marrying Paris because a few days again he said that she wanted Juliet's consent on it first.

  10. If i over heard lord Capulet's remarks to Juliette i could understand him point of view. his priced possession was just lost to his enemy. but i think they're were more respectful and decent ways of going about it in which he chose not to take. he should have remembered that hes talking to a 13 year old girl, not her father or mother in which his feud lies. i lost respect for him because i would think he would have had the intelligence to understand that Juliette is not who his feud lies with.

  11. Lorenzo Bartman- period 4

    I overheard Lord Capulet’s remarks to Juliet today and I find it ridiculous how his views changed so rapidly. Earlier this week he said to Paris that he wanted Juliet to be happy with who she married but today he said that if she did not get married to Paris then he would disown her. Although he said this I do believe it is justified because not only are they enemies but Romeo did kill Tybalt therefore his actions were not only justified but also completely fair.

  12. maria lopez

    As I walked into work today my assistant Bethany told me about the awful remarks Lord Capulet made to Juliet. If I overheard this conversation I would definitely see where he is coming from considering that his most loved and only daughter has married the son of his biggest enemy. Meaning that his fortune will have to go toward them. At the same time I feel bad for poor Juliet, she is just a young girl who has fallen in love with the wrong person, and most times you cant help who you fall for. I would be devastated if my own father called me “green-sickness carrion” like Lord Capulet did to Juliet. I feel terrible for Juliet but I am on Lord Capulet’s side because she should of thought about her actions and what they would cause. Especially when Romeo is an enemy and brought the death of Tybalt.

  13. Maria Guaglianone (Period 3)

    As I was walking to work today, I overheard some townspeople gossiping about an argument that Juliet had gotten into with her parents. I find it strange how his opinions on marriage had changed so quickly. Earlier in the week, he had said that he wanted his daughter to be happy with whomever she decided to marry, but now he is forcing her to marry Paris. I even heard that he threatened to disown her and throw her out of the house if she didn't marry him, which is ridiculous because he should be supportive of her wishes, even if it isn't what he wants for her. Even though I am on Juliet's side for the argument with her father, I still think that she should have thought of what the problems of marrying someone from a rival family would cause.

  14. Carlye Uretta Period 4- Catallena Firenza
    If i were to over hear the talk between Lord Capulet and Juliet i would have to side with Lord Capulet. One reason being Lord Capulet is the person that i work for and id never in my life risk my job just to state my opinion, when clearly Lord Capulet did not really care about Juliets opinion so i dont see why he would care about mine. I'd also agree with Lord Capulet because he is much older as well as wiser than Juliet and i think that he knows what is best for Juliet at this age and time. The fact that Juliet is being disobedient towards both of the parents would also anger me as well, the parents chose Paris to marry Juliet for reasons not just out of random and then Juliet marrying another guy without my consent would make me very mad therefore i 100% agree with Lord Capulet in this situation.

  15. Nicola Marino - Period 7

    Lord Capulet is a somewhat admirable man, but speaking to Juliet in such a manner is unacceptable. Disobedience is normal in a child; he shouldn't react so violently towards her. One would think that he, being the mature one, would be able to control his temper. He and Tybalt are more alike than they care to admit. Capulet said he would take his daughter's opinion on Paris into account before she would have to marry him, but his change of heart was so fast! True, Juliet was arranged to marry a fine man, but I understand her point of view. Lord Capulet called her an ungrateful wretch; if only he could open his eyes and see things her way like he had originally said he would.

  16. Anabell Sonagi Pd.7
    I heard from my brother's wife what Lord Capulet had said to Juliet, I dont agree with this, no one should marry after someone, even if it was Tybalt, dies in there family, they should have at least a week to be sad, but she dose not even get a day, no its not right, I wish that she would ust be happy. She really should be able to love who she wants, but that is not for my to deciede...

  17. Conor McGillicuddy (Francesco Zappa) - Period 3 -
    Having overheard the conversations that occured between Lord Capulet and his only daught Juliet, my opinion of him has changed greatly. I used to think of him as a kind man with a strong love for his daughter. I heard that he even allowed Juliet to decide for herself who she should marry. Apparantly he is going to force Juliet to marry the noble Paris. Although Paris is respectable gentleman, Juliet should be able to make up her mind for herself. She does not need to be told what to do or how to act at this stage in her life. She should have the free will invested in all human beings. Capulet is just desperate to maintain his family's power and marry off his only child to someone she doesn't even like. What's even worse is the language that Capulet used to convey his ideas. He used such foul words in front of a lady, how rude! He insulted Juliet many times and even went as far as to threatening to disown her. What a cynical, power obssesed old man. I most certainly do not condone the behavior of Capulet. Even so, there is not much that I can actually do about the situation. Lord Capulet is one of the most powerful men in Verona. I am nothing but a mere musician; I cannot comete on the same level as him.

  18. Federica Balboni Period 4

    Today I was working in my bakery, I did not hear Lord Capulet speak to Juliet but I heard about it. Lord Capulet is a very nice man I don't understand why he would force his daughter into marriage. He use to care what Juliet wanted and how she felt for the man and respected that but now he seems to become more and more inpatient on the fact that she hasn't made up her mine on a man. Poor Juliet is unable to tell her parents about her love for Romeo because she is in fear of their opinions. I would never make my daughter or son marry someone they did not love. I understand that it is a hard decision when it comes to your child being married and staying with that person for the rest of there life especially when the Capulets have alot of money and don't want it to get into the wrong hands but they should really respect and realize how Juliet feels about being forced into something and forced to be with someone she doesn't have any feelings or experiences with. Lord Capulet is doing what he thinks is best for his daughter but he also isn't because she will be unhappy with Paris. On the plus side, maybe they will ask me to bake her wedding cake!!

  19. Sienna ORourke period 6 I was enjoying my day off as I heard Capulet saying to Juliet how she must marry Paris. Considering I am a supporter of Romeo and Juliets romance I thought this idea was very cruel. I mean im 17 and have yet to be wed so I think Juliet should be able to be with whomever she would like considering she already is with Romeo but of course Lord and Lady Capulet are still unaware of this secret romance

  20. Yesterday some people came into my shop talking about Lord Capulet. I am usually not one to get involved in such things, however, I heard that he was demanding Juliet to marry Paris. I am usually going to defend the Montagues, but from what I've heard, Lord Capulet is usually very protective of his daughter and kind to her. To hear that he ordered her to marry Paris, my opinion of him has greatly changed. I now see him as a weak, spineless, shame of a man because just a few days ago he asked Juliet what she wanted to do. To hear that he changed his mind so quickly makes me think of him as less of a man. No self respecting man would go back on his daughters wishes like that. That being said, he does have the right to tell Juliet who she can and cannot marry. While I and many people might not agree with it, that is how society is and if he feels like this is the best thing for his daughter, I am not going to outwardly oppose his descision.
    Giancarlo Gaudreau
    Period 3

  21. Giuliana Oestreicher
    Period 4

    I was spending my day with Massimo, as usual when I heard some rumors floating around the square of that Lord Capulet has said to his daughter! I don't think of them to be true though! I know Lord Capulet, as he the one that hired me and he is a very kind well mannered man, I don't see him as yelling and making rude remarks at his daughter! A couple days ago he just wanted Juliet to make her own decision about whom she wanted to marry, now he's yelling at her to marry Paris? I doubt he would say such a thing!

  22. Stefano Krgin Period 6

    A gentleman came into the bank the other day and started talking about the insults Juliet was told from her father. Lord Capulet called Juliet a green sickness carrion and a tallow face. Those things he said were terrible things to say to a women. I am a big supporter of the Capulets. But don't you have to treat women with respect. I find it terrible that he would do something like that. I would never think of treating my wife or any of my children like that. Lord Capulet should be sorry for what he did to Juliet. If I were Juliet, I would leave the Capulet house and go some where else. I would think that Lady Capulet would have got on Juliet's side and helped her out. If anyone finds out that the Capulets own banker said any of this then they would probably tell the Capulets and the they would either fire me or probably execute me.

  23. Bella Coonin Period 6

    If I had overheard what Lord Capulet had said I would not have agreed with his position. For once I would be on Juliet’s side because no one should be forced to marry someone they do not love. That is just terribly cruel. To spend the rest of your life with someone you do not enjoy being around, well…well you just might as well be dead because living like that is worse than not living at all. I think Juliet had the right to speak out for her beliefs because girls cannot just be required to do whatever people expect of them. They have the right to make some of their own decisions and since this is affecting the rest of her life, she should get to choose who she marries.

  24. Leonardo Jimbo Lometti period 7

    If i had overheard what Lord Capulet had said i would disagree with him for sure. I would side with Juliet because no one should ever be forced to be with someone that they do not truly love. Juliet had every right to speak up against marrying someone she does not love because she should be entitled to marrying who she wants and not who her family wants her to. I believe that it was very wrong of Lord capulet to speak to Juliet like that because he spoke to her with absolutley no respect and even though he is a Lord he should still speak to women and men with some respect.

  25. Lorenzo Hoffberg Period 3

    Lord Capulet did the right decision. He is wealthy, popular, royal, polite young bachelor. Juliet is single also. The marriage of the two families would be spectacular. The popularity and power of the two families would rise to an unstoppable level. I think Juliet should listen to her father exclusively. She was kissing her mortal enemy at a ball without knowing so, she cannot be responsible for her actions at this time. Her mother was married even younger then her, she is now ready to be married.

  26. Lorenzo Delia - Period 6

    I have heard a few rumors about Lord Capulet's rudeness to Juliet. How can you pick a love for someone? If someone wants to have a true love, they have to pick it themselves. I disagree with Lord Capulet and I think that Juliet should make the major decisions in her life. It would be terrible to spend your life with someone you don't even truly love. This marriage may stop the family fights and could possibly settle good relationship between them. I agree with Juliet and I think she should chose her own love.

  27. Michelle Aguirre –per.3
    “Alonso Aguirre”: The way Lord Capulet spoke to Juliet is not right under any circumstance. It’s true that there is masculinity but as a man myself, I could never treat my own daughter in that manner. Although Juliet was being somewhat disobedient, Lord Capulet has to understand she is a young girl who isn’t in love with this man, so she should not be forced to marry him just because Lord Capulet says so. So I completely disagree with his position, it is uncalled for and selfish of him to make decisions for his daughter without even consulting her and then getting angry when she does not want to accept his plans for her.

  28. Isabella Mueller (Period 3)-
    I can not believe what the Nurse just told me about Lord Capulet! She claimed that he became furious at Juliet for denying her marriage to Paris, a man she has met once in her entire life and has not even courted her yet! I heard that he even claimed that Juliet was ungrateful for all that her father had done for her during her life, he was even threatening her. If I had been in Juliets chamber at this time I would have been dumbfounded by these remarks because I had always thought of Lord Capulet to be a kind man, as he is to me around the house, not one who has a quick temper. It must be awful to be in Juliets position, to be forced to marry a man she cannot love nor does she want to. I do not agree with his position at all in this matter, even though he does control my status. He is not taking in to consideration that Juliet is merely fourteen years of age and has just experienced the death of her dear cousin, Tybalt, and is not ready to be wed so soon. These actions have made me lose respect for Lord Capulet, one of the most powerful men in Verona. If other citizens could know how he treats his family, with force and threats, he would immediately be thought of in a different perspective.

  29. Luigi alvora- period 6
    I have heard many things about the way lord capulets talks to juliet. How is it even possible to pick a lover for someone? Because some people actually love people and want to get married to them, they don't want people to pick the person they have to spend the rest of their life with and also they want to be able to pick the person that they have kids with. This is why I disagree with lord capulet juliet should be able to pick the person she has to spend the rest of her life with. Because it isn't lord capulets life it's juliets sh should be able to pick the person she wants to marry and she should be able to make her own decisions like a real grown up. The marriage between romeo and Juliet could e very helpful for the whole town because all of the fighting will end between both families. This is why I agree with Juliet that she should be able to marry who she wants

  30. Antonella Dalfonso Period 6- If I heard Lord Capulet say that I would personally want to slap him, or talk some sense into him. How dare he call his daughter "baggage" and "green sickness"! She is his daughter, and he should care for, not treat her like baggage! She is Human. She should be able to Marry who she wants. She shouldn't have to listen to him If she were my daughter I'd let her marry anyone who she fell in love with. I obviously disagree with lord Capulet on the "force of marriage". It's stupid, and ridicoulous.

  31. Josephina Pezzapane
    I was working in the Capulet's mansion this past morning in regards to Lady Capulet. She was in need of a wonderful gown sewn for her for an upcoming ball being held at a friend of the Capulets. I was walking in the halls of the upstairs corridor when I overheard a powerful, strict, and harsh toned voice in the room just ahead. I stalled in front of the door nearby and listened in. I realized that the harsh voice belonged to Lord Capulet and my heart instantly sank. I got very nervous at the thought of what could possibly be raging him, as I listened in more, I heard the voice of young Juliet. Oh how pretty of a young lady she was, and so innocent too. I did not like the idea of her being yelled at, I listened in more to hear what she could have possibly done wrong. I then heard Paris's name being mentioned and instantly connected it. Lord Capulet wanted Juliet to marry Paris. Oh how I felt so bad for her, Paris was a strong, successful man but was definitely not worthy enough of Juliet. She was to kind and to innocent for him. I was outraged by Lord Capulet, he did not have any right to yell at his own daughter like that and call her outrageous names. My whole body cringed and a sharp pain shot through me as he screeched out the horrendous names to Juliet. I heard her trying to defend herself, and she was trying to explain to her father how she didn't love Paris and didn't want to marry him. I was full of sorrow for her, as I knew Lord and Lady Capulet were to strict to ever hear her word and would force her to marry him wether she liked it or not. If I was the father or mother of Juliet, I would want her to be happy, I would only allow her to marry someone of her choice and someone that she truly loves and that will take care of her, even if he isn't the "guy to marry" according to society. I would be happy if Juliet's happiness was fulfilled by marrying someone who she truly loves and who truly loves her back and will take full care of her.

  32. Nicolette Forgione Period 3 - "Christina Forgione"
    Today, while sewings Juliet's new dress, I overheard Lord Capulet talking to her and I couldn't believe how harsh his remarks were. I know it's rude to eavesdrop on conversations but it's so hard not to when his loud mouth is taking over all of the other thoughts going through my head. Lord Capulet is forcing Juliet to marry Paris even though he knows that she is in love with someone else. I get that she should show a little more compassion over Tybalt's death but I don't think she should be talked to or treated the way he was treating her. I don't think he understands how sensitive she is and how in love she is with Romeo. Therefore, I don't agree with his position because Juliet is much too innocent for Paris, and she's right, he hasn't even kissed her. How is she supposed to marry someone who doesn't even show the slightest bit of love towards her? Yes, Paris is strong, wealthy and is breezing his way through life but Romeo's love for Juliet is strong and he's expressed every bit of love that he feels towards her. I feel anger towards Lord Capulet because I didn't think he had the decency to yell at young Juliet the way he did. Her voice was so pure and innocent compared to his and that made me feel so bad for her. How can Juliet learn to love and be a happy woman when she's married to someone who was forced upon her? I personally think Lord Capulet needs a reality check and should let Juliet marry whomever she would like to. Father's shouldn't care who their daughters marry, as long as they're happy. I feel awful that I am talking so rudely about Lord Capulet but I just think he should be a little more easy on Juliet and her decisions, I mean, she's only 13. She deserves to be happy.

  33. Emily Coash Period 7- "Francesca Isabella Coash"

    Today, while having lunch with Lady Capulet, I heard the conversation between Lord Capulet and Juliet. Lord Capulet was telling Juliet she has to marry Paris. He was saying it quite harshly to his daughter but she needs to understand Paris is the perfect match for her. If my daughter had Paris and a choice for a husband, I would arrange the marriage in a heartbeat. I also found out that supposevly Juliet is in love with somebody else. I think it is outrageous how she love somebody that her parents didn't approve of or might not even know! Juliets parents picked Paris for Juliet and he is the only man she should love! I think it is a good thing Lady and Lord Capulet picked out Juliets husband because we all know you can never leave your husband and they know who is best for Juliet! Juliet is just a teenager and knows nothing about love. If she could pick a husband for herself, he could end up to be someone who he doesn't think he is or even taking advantage of Juliet because what man wouldn't want to marry a pretty young lady like herself?

  34. Natalia LaBarbera- Period 7

    I overheard the conversation or argument between Juliet and Lord and Lady Capulet, and I did not agree with Lord Capulet's position or the tone in which he was speaking to Juliet. Lord Capulet was very demeaning towards Juliet in not letting her have a choice whether she wants to marry Paris or not. Lord Capulet made Juliet have no say in the person that she wants to marry or not and made it clear to her that if she disobeyed him, there would be consequences. I completely disagree with his position because I believe that Juliet should have a choice on who she wants to spend the rest of her life with, someone that she loves. Juliet does not love Paris, but she does love Romeo, which her parents do not know. Juliet's parents do not know that she loves Romeo, but they despise him because he killed Tybalt. Despite that, Juliet still loves Romeo and wants to be with him. I agree with Juliet in that she should follow her heart and make her own decisions rather her parents making them for her.

  35. Carolina Rutkovsky period 7

    If I had heard the argument between Juliet and Lord Capulet I would have been horrified. I mean, these days it is common for the wealthy to have arranged marriages, but from the beginning he was against forcing Juliet to do anything. If he was the one who originally wanted Juliet to make the decision for herself, and gave her that freedom he should stand by it. He already made the decision to put his trust in her that she would choose a fair gentleman and now for him to take that all back and demand she marry Paris is not fair. I feel like once you make a statement like that, especially from a father who Juliet looks up to and obeys constantly, he shouldn’t be so careless as to say something he knows he can not uphold.

  36. Francesco Votta Period 6

    If I had overheard the conversation between Juliet and her father I would have been on her side all the way. I don't think it is right for a father to treat his daughter like that. He threatened to kick her out of the house because of her disobedience. I don't blame her because all she was doing was following her heart. She didn't want an arranged marriage and her father should respect her decision. If only his heart wasn't the size of a cockerel's stone.

  37. Elizabetta Lagani Period 7
    The other day I overheard that Lord Capulet was telling Juliet that she had to listen and do what he says. I acually do agree with his position. As I grew older I was taught that men dominate women and females are submissive, they just let their father or husband make choces for them. I personally think this keeps a balance in society and it allows everyone to know their postion in society. Most people disagree and think the Lord Capulet was extremely wrong to tell his daughter that whatever he saya is final. I think Juliet would be better off just marring that young man named Paris.

  38. Shannon ZuccarelliMay 18, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    Paula Zuccarelli, period 6:
    If I had overheard Lord Capulet’s remarks to Juliet that day, I would not have agreed with his position. He was disappointed and angry with her for not following his orders, since he is the head of the house. Today, no daughters would ever disobey their parents, for sake of being seen as ungrateful to them, but Juliet does what she wants. Juliet should be able to marry who she wants, though it is not common or very possible. Things should change around here, and Juliet is one that can make that happen. Lord Capulet is wrong in threatening Juliet and yelling at her, for she is not being unreasonable because they don’t know what she has done with Romeo.

  39. Giovanna Cappelli-
    Period 7-

    Certain people should learn to keep their voices down, when scolding their daughters. And by certain people, I mean Lord Capulet, like gosh why don't you just share with the entire city of Verona, they can already hear you anyway.
    Basically what happened was, I was at the market again today, getting more goods for the Montague house when I heard light bickering coming out of an open window on the sun side of the Capulet castle. The bickering became full out yelling and I could hear every word of it.
    Lord Capulet was trying to get Juliet to marry someone and Juliet was fighting back, which is very rare for any girl to do to their parents, by saying that she feels she is too young and doesn't want to be rushed if she isn't actually in love.
    Girls got a point. She shouldn't have to marry anyone unless she was in love. But then Lord Capulet got all crazy on her and told her he wanted to slap her because she was frustrating him, he was also calling her all these names like ungrateful and wench. Now its not my place to say anything but oh goodness he is out of line. He needs to calm down and listen to his daughter for once in his life. She's right, he isn't.

  40. Giovani Ganis Period 3-
    If I overheard Lord Capulet's scolding remarks, I would not have agreed with him. I understand his best interest is in his family's name, but it is very unjustified to force your daughter to do something that she has no desire to do. Although he conducted himself poorly, one thing that has to be considered is that, during this time period the husband was in charge. This meant that he was able to decide who is daughter could or couldn't marry. One characteristic trait that explains Lord Capulet is ignorant. Lord Capulet's ignorance relates to Scout in, "To Kill a Mockingbird." It correlates to the scene after Tom's trial when Jem was upset and Scout said, "Why are you upset he's just a nigger." Similar to Lord Capulet, Scout also doesn't know any better.

  41. Natalia Barile (period 3)- If I overheard Lord Capulet’s remarks to Juliet I would not agree with them at all. I believe that the way he treated Juliet was wrong and no daughter should be treated that way. Lord Capulet over reacted to what Juliet was telling him. For once Juliet was standing up to her father and telling him how she felt. The way her father reacted to her feelings was very inconsiderate, rude, and uncalled for. I felt horrible when Juliet cam crying to me after her father yelled at her.

  42. Emilia Straface Period 6-
    If I had overheard the cruel names that Lord Capulet was saying to Juliet, I would have said something back to him. Even though I am not very friendly with the Capulets side, I don’t think any young lady should be called names like “green-sickness carrion” and “Tallow-faced” by their father. I have always heard that Lord Capulet was very calm in situation of who Juliet would marry however, Since Juliet refuses to marry Paris he had been angry. He even said “my fingers itch” implying that he wanted to slap Juliet for not being obedient to him. I don’t agree with how he handled the situation I sympathize for Juliet. If I was in her shoes I would be confused and raged because before lord capulet was more accepting of who she wanted to marry but now he only want what will be best for him. I hope that everything ends soon.

  43. Vincenzo Steins- Period 7
    As Duke I am used to having ultimate power and if people start to disobey me and talk back then I know they are not loyal, in that case I will have them murdered. I feel that Lord Capulet did the right thing in this situation. He needs to reclaim power because at the moment it is being questioned. He made very precise and rational decisions as to get what he wanted and what is obviously the right choice for his daughter. He is the one in charge and should always have the last word. This is how absolute power in the family and the kingdom works and how it should be for years to come. The marriage of two families is just that, it is important to let the power of the Capulet's fall in to the right chosen hands, and if Juliet chooses her husband who's to say that this will happen.

  44. Mateo-period 7
    If I overheard capulets remark to Juliet I would have said something to him bc it's not right to say something like that bc she is only 13 years old and that kind of language is not nice to hear. These remarks were un called for and he should apologize. It doesnt matter that he is her father he shouldn't talk like that to her. I can't imagine lord capulet cooperating with Romeo.

  45. Leonardo Mckinsey period 6
    I understand why Lord Capulet did what he did Juliet was being way out of line she should have been happy that she could marry the prince and not so ungrateful to her father who only wants best for her daughter. Juliet does not know what is best for her she is still too young to understand all the politics of married and should trust in her father to what’s best for her instead of fussing about how soon the married

  46. Isabella Stevens. Period 4-I did not hear the conversation going on in the household,however, Juliet has told me about it and talked to me about her feelings and emotions based on this decision.Being the sister of Juliet and always defending her and being so close with her, i would have to disagree and agree with our fathers decision for her. Lord Capulet knows whats best for Juliet even though she may disagree because of her strong feelings for Romeo. The feud between the two families is very strong and Juliets selfish desire to marry Romeo going against the family was beyond irresponsible. Paris, who i have met before, is a nice young man who would be great for a woman, however, in my belief i strongly think Romeo is the one for her. Romeo and Juliet share chemistry, which is strong and beautiful which shouldn't be broken up just because of two families differences and hatred. Seeing Juliet happy about Romeo is warm hearting towards me and i hope she has something like Johnny and i's marriage, if not, better. Lord Capulet should let her make her own decisions as well, and let Romeo and Juliet have a peaceful marriage apart from the families strong hatred and constant fighting.

  47. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord Capulet has no right to say that to Juliet. I dont think that he has the right to say that to her because Juliet should be able to marry who she wants. I think that no father has the right to tell there child who they are going to marry just because they think that they are a good match for them. Lady Capulet also has to be more brave on telling her husband what Juliet feels and and what she feels. I had no respect for Lord Capulet in that type of situation.

  48. Nick Nelson period 6

    If I had been there when Lord Capulet said those remarks to Juliet, I would have punched him in the face. There is no reason for why he should have spoken to her that way. It may be true that it is customary for the father to decide who his daughter marries but there is no reason to push her around and threaten to disown her just because she doesnt want to. I believe that she has the right to argue about it and marry whomever she chooses.

  49. Fiorella Scarano(pd.4)…..I would not agree with Lord Capulet’s remarks at all! He is becoming a tyrant in the house and is treating his daughter with disrespect. Juliet is a young girl, but old enough to chose who she would like to marry. As a former child living with my parents only three years ago, I get the point that you have no choice in who you end up spending the rest of your life with. What happened to the sweet and caring father that was talking to Paris when Paris brought up the fact he wanted to marry Juliet only 2 days before? I know that Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet want Juliet to live a lavish and fulfilled life with a wealthy, well rounded beau, but to force her to marry someone she doesn’t love is unfair, even if it’s what society is accustomed too. This is why I became a maid and is still not married. I am a living a happy life though! I would rather be alone than unhappy with a stranger my parents chose for the rest of my life! Sometimes I am in Juliet’s bed chamber and I see her on her balcony murmuring sweet words to herself. She speaks of a man, and I know it is not Paris. But who?

  50. Sabrina Amicucci- Period 4
    i do not agree with Lord Capulets remarks to Juliet. He is treating her with disrespect and it isn't right at all. Even though Juliet is only 13 years of age she shouldn't have to marry paris if she doesn't want to. Its her choice of who she marries, not her fathers. If she wants to marry Romeo let her. Lord and Lady capulet love their daughter very much and want her to live a good life when she leaves home. But maybe marrying Paris isn't a good choice. If Lord Caplet really love Juliet he would let her be with the man of her r=dreams without making any harsh remarks.

  51. Nick Falciglia Period 3 -

    I over heard what Lord Capulet had said to Juliet and I do not agree with his remarks. Although he is her father, he has no right to speak to such a kind young girl with such disrespect. Juliet should have the choice whether or not to marry Paris. Her father should not be the deciding factor of her marriage. Juliet's parents want her to live a happy life and they want the best for her. They believe by marrying the wealthy Paris, this will come true. What they don't understand is that Paris is not who makes her happy, Romeo is. She is in love with Romeo and wants to spend her life with him and Juliet's parents should respect that and not force her to marry Paris.

  52. anna mezzancello
    i over heard capulet talking to juliet i was discussed by what he said from what i understood capulet cared about juliet and how she felt i don't understand why he changed his mind. if juliet is not happy with Paris she has the rite not to be with him she may have a rite resin weather it because she is already in love or if she docent like him thats her choice capulet is forcing her to do something she does not want to do and it is revolting to me because he seamed like a very understanding father and cared about what she felt

  53. Oriana Flecha
    I overheard the conversation between Juliet and Lord and Lady Capulet, I did not agree with Lord Capulet's tone in which he was speaking to Juliet. Lord Capulet was very demeaning towards Juliet in not letting her have a choice whether she wants to marry Paris or not. He made her feel as if she had no choice and if she didn't choose paris she lost everything. I completely disagree with his position because I believe that Juliet should have a choice on who she wants to spend the rest of her life with, Someone she loves.
