Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Conflict Between Expectations

After completing the worksheet provided, write a paragraph about your discussion below.

What expectations do you have for yourself? What expectations do others (friends and family) have for you?  How does the differences in expectations create conflict?   Where have you seen a conflict of expectations in "A Raisin in the Sun"?  How could these conflicts be resolved?

Explain ( 5-7 sentence minimum)


  1. some expectations that i have for myself is to do better in school to help my family around the house and too be kind to others to my my work and to do what i was told to do. my families expectations for me are to do my chaures and help around the house my friends expectations for me are for me to be there for them when they need to talk and to be truthful and to be good friend.well if i have a different expectation for myself and someone might have a different one them we might go into conflict because we don't agree. in raison in the sun ou see conflict between mama and walter because mam has the expectation that walter be a good father and tell her wife not to kill the baby but walter doesn't have the same expectation so they got into a conflict. these problems can be relived by talking it out.
    marie powell

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Abdullah Ahmad Period 3
    I am expected to do many things in this life. My expectations of myself is to be a nice person and to do well in school, so I can become very successful. My friends and family also expect these things. The conflict between these expectations are the tests and the people around me. I have seen conflict of expectations in "A Raisin in the Sun" from Walter's view. He wants to be able to afford things for his family and to be a nice father and husband. These conflicts could be resolved by talking to each other and using the money from Mama.

  4. Alissa Hochman period 7 said:
    My expectations for school and home are to be respectful, kind and to keep up my school work and homework. My plan is almost the same as my mother’s because before I go out with friends, I do my homework and or study. Sometimes my friends tell me to go out before doing my work and say don’t worries about doing it just make up an excuse. When my friends tell me to listen to their idea I disagree and don’t listen to them. Other times I wonder if my friends should me be my friends because of our different expectations. I tell my friends that my school work is more important than hanging out with them on school night because I see them at school. Also I need to start taking school more importantly because I need to raise my grades. My parent’s expectations for me are to be respectful to my friends, teachers and family. If our expectations are different we try to settle them for the best.

  5. Michelle Aguirre (per.3)
    I expect myself to do certain things like reach a certain goal I put for myself. My expectations are sometimes really specific, or really general, like to just be happy and learn from the experience. But usually I expect to get certain grades, get a certain time in track, etc. My family expects me to spend time with them and help them out since family will always be there, so we may as well get along and support each other. My friends expect me to have time for them also, and be there when they need someone. Sometimes conflicts can rise when you don’t meet those expectations, and then you realize it’s because you have different expectations. For example a friend might expect you to tell them everything, but you would just expect them to support you and help you when you need somebody to simply cheer you up or be proud of you. Small things like that could cause conflicts, but the at least in the end you can see how strong that relationship was depending on how you deal with the problem. In “A Raisin in the Sun”, mama expected Walter to deposit the money for Beneatha’s college. Walter expected his family to support him on the investment he wanted to make on the liquor store. They expected different things and that resulted in a big family conflict involving everyone. If they just tried to understand and listen to each other with a good and easy-going attitude, they could easily solve it all. They could try to split the money or at least come up with a conclusion together, and not make it a big deal.

  6. Melanie Straface period 6
    My expectations of myself are to be friendly and caring towards others and to keep up my grades in all of my classes. My family expects me to be responsible for my actions, do chores around the house, and to walk and feed the dog. Some of my friend’s expectations for me are to be trustworthy and someone they can talk to if they need help. If someone has different expectations then you there may be a conflict but you can overcome them by talking it out and strengthening your relationship with the person. In “A Raisin in the Sun” Walter is expected to be the man of the family and support them but Walter is always yelling about money and other things that bother him. This conflict could be resolved by talking and planning about what they would do with Mamas money so everything would be fairly distributed.

  7. Jacee C (period 7)

    I set expectations for myself, but they are similar to my goals. I expect myself to do well in school, eat right, be friendly, things like that. The same goes for my family and friends. My family expects me to be respectful, listen to them, be the best I can be in school, and kind. My friends expect me to be there when they need me, be trustworthy, nice and entertaining because if you have the personality of a rock, then there are some problems and no one will be able to last 5 minutes with you. This hasn't happened to me where people have different expectations of me then I do for myself. If that ever did happen there would definitely be conflict. Look at it this way if someone expects me to listen to them if they order me around and let them treat me badly. But i expect myself to be able to stand up and say something when I feel like something isn't fair, there will be confrontation. In "A Raisin in the Sun" Walter and Beneatha have confrontation with each other when it comes to expectations. Like Walter expects Beneatha to be a regular women and stay home and cook and clean, and if anything be an animal doctor or a nurse, instead of a big fancy doctor. Beneatha's expectations are high for herself. She expects to eventually be a doctor and be sucessful, and she is working hard to get where she wants to be. And of course Walter and Beneatha fight about it but to resolve it. In situations like this there are two ways to handle it, you can just talk it out and set new expectations so that both parties agree. Or you can prove to everyone, who doubted you or fought with you on your expectations, wrong. I like that solution.

  8. Chris G -Period 7
    My biggest expectation that I have for myself is to be caring and respectful towards others. But I do expect to hold more of this respect towards my family, who I should be closest to. Next would come my school work, which I find very important to me. I expect to try my hardest and recieve the good grades I deserve. If I don't try to my fullest, then I will get the bad grades I deserve. Switching sides now, my parents expect the same things that I said. family, respect and school. They always said that Family always came first, then school, and then other priorities. My friends on the other hand don't really care for those kind of things. They would expect me to hang out with them whenever, even if I had other things more important planned. Although some closer friends do realize my priorities as well. They understand if I have a family event to go to, or have a big test coming up that I need to study for. These are the type of things that make them real friends. If people like my friends collided with people like my parents, it could result in a problem. They both have different expectations for themselves and others. Say I had to do my homework, but my friend wanted me to play football with him. Normally, I would tell him I need to finish my homework first, because those are my and my parents expectations. we might get into an argument trying to defend are case, and then never speak to each other again. These are the type of things that could happen with different expectations colliding. In "A Raisin in the Sun" Walter expects that he should be the man of the house, considering that he is the only male adult there. Mama, on the other hand, believes that Walter does not run the house and expects that her family members listen to her, considering that she is the owner of the house. The two argue a lot, and it goes on throughout the story so far. To resolve something like this, one of them should really just "hand over" the rights as leader of the house, instead of playing Tug-Of-War with it. Mama had done that in the story, trusting Walter with the leftover money from the check. But unfortunately, Walter threw away the trust.

  9. Olivia Barbulescu Period 7
    I have many different expectations for myself, including goals I want to reach in school and skating, but also that I show my friends and family that I am kind, caring and supportive. I always want to try my hardest and appreciate what I have because I know that a lot of people aren’t as fortunate as I am. My friends and family expect me to balance my schedule so I have time to spend with everyone, but also respect my moral values and be a good friend/family member. I always listen to my friends and stay non-judgmental no matter what. If I need a friend to talk to or to help me, I expect them to be caring and understanding, but if they aren’t that can lead to a clash of expectations in friendships. Loyalty is something I try to find in all of my friends and family, and without it I can’t expect the same from people as they expect from me. In “A Raisin in the Sun”, Walter expects the entire family to respect him and follow him in his decisions, but based on his temper and ability to easily get drunk, his family can lose trust in him, causing the family to not want Walter to lead them. When the family doesn’t give Walter respect and responsibility, he gets extremely angry because in his eyes he should be the “head of the family”. If Walter stopped getting drunk and really paused to listen to his family, they could gain trust in him, causing him to rise to be a leader.

  10. Emily Coash Period 7
    As i get older a lot of things change for myself and others all around me. I have expectations for myself that i always try to live up to. My main expectations that are important to me are keeping up with school work/ getting good grades, not changing who i am as a person if others are and to not have a bad reputation where you come off as a mean person. Expectations that my family members have are for me to exceed in everything i do, never give up and to follow my dream. They also expect me to do things as little as taking care of myself, keeping my room clean, trying everything and doing well in school. One conflict of me living up to all of my families expectations is that things get hard and i sometimes have a lot going on at once so it is hard to do everything to expect. Some expectations my friends have for me is to tell them everything,be there when they need me and to support them through everything. Sometimes the conflicts with living up to the expectations my friends have is when i know they did something wrong and they want me to support them. Of course i will always be there for them but I'm not going to support them in something i think they shouldn't have done, i think a true friend would point out what they did wrong especially if you know your friend could get hurt in the end.
    In the book "A Raisin in the Sun" there is a conflict of expectations. Walter is the man of the house and expects to be successful. Walter has failed to show that he is in charge and is strongly depressed by it. The family was pulled into a conflict because Walter was upset and missing work because he didn't live up to his expectations. Walter could resolve this conflict by not completely giving up. Nothing can't be solved if you do not give an effort to fix it. If you want something that bad, to live up to your expectations, you would have to never stop trying to achieve what you want.

  11. Jackie Dalfonso- Period 6: My expectations in school are very simple, pass math,and if i get that far try shooting for the 80's. My grade expectation for myself is 75 or above. but when it comes to orchestra, I want a 90 or above, because I want to be an orchestra teacher one day. I expect myself to practice the 5 instruments that i play everyday. In school i expect myself to stay out of trouble and to avoid stupid people, and always follow the teachers directions. What my parents expect of me is to dress appropriately, and to pass all of my classes,and seek help if needed. My parents want me to be successful. they are striving me more so that i will be a music teacher. My friends expects me to be who i am, and to help them when they need it, and to give them advice, as well as stand up for them. the differences in expectations can definitely be a problem on a daily bases. for example I may not see eye to eye with my parents on my wardrobe, but we compromise.... I saw a conflict of expectations in the beginning of the book when Walter and Benetha were arguing about what they wanted to do with the money. Benetha want to become a doctor, but Walter doesn't like that, he told her she should be a nurse instead. He expects her to be a nurse probably because shes female. Walter wanted a liquor store. These conflicts can be resolved by giving some of Walter Sr life insurance money to each of his children ( Walter and Benetha) so they could what they want, and responsibly.

  12. I have very high expectations for myself, because I do want to be very successful in the future when I’m older and graduate college. I expect myself to be respectful to anybody that I know, mature so I can handle situations in the best way possible, and responsible so that I am able to handle all of my responsibilities. My family and friends have basically the same expectations for me because they want me to also be successful, but they would also like me to be fun, loving, and caring. In the novel, “A Raisin in the Sun” Walter expects Ruth to support him more. Ruth isn’t backing him up or supporting his dreams, therefore he feels like she is putting him down. This could be resolved by Ruth asking Mama for some of the insurance money so that Walter can invest and start a liquor store to become wealthy.

  13. Nick Campo period 7

    My expectations for myself starts with being responsible and respectful. My family expects from me to do what im told. The only way for their to be conflict is when I would not want to listen. When walter was arguing with Mama about buying the new house because Walter expects mama to give him the money. the best way for this to be resolved is if everyone does what is expected of them.

  14. Matt Miles period 7-

    My expectations for myself are to be the best student/person I can be. I also expect myself to perform well. I want to get good grades and I expect myself to try my hardest. my family expects me to try hard and my friends expect me to be a nice person to them and everyone around them. When their is a difference in what should be right I always end up either lowering or raising my expectations. There is conflict in expectations in "Raisin in the Sun" when George expects Beneatha to be this woman who dresses like everybody else and not be like what their heritage is. Beneatha doesn't agree with that so their is a conflict in expectations there. These conflicts could be resolved if George just let Beneatha be who she wanted to be.

  15. Jake Trotta per7- i set my expectations very high because i want to succed in life. i consider myself as a perfectionist because i cant except anything that i dont think is perfect. my expectations are to do well in school and get good grades. by doing this i an be a good student. my parents expect me to do what is told of them. there sshouldnt be any problems and to do well in school. my parents think that i set my expectations to high, but i dont because i like to push myself. i can see a conflict bw Walter and Beneatha. walter is a man who believes that money is life, while beneatha believes that you should value life with every chance you get. beneatha is well educated and walter isnt that educated. walter is someone who seems to only care about himself and no one else. i think that they can resolve this conflict by sitting down and talking things out.

  16. Katie Stevens. Period 4-
    There are many expectations that I have from my myself, family and friends. The expectations I have for myself are to be an active listener and worker, try and stay positive, be cooperative and do my work. The expectations I have from my parents are to read, clean my room, work hard, be successful and listen. My friends have expectations of me being there for them whenever they need me, giving them good advice, being successful and being happy. The differences in expectations cause conflicts by starting fights. If expectations are different then people would not have the drama that is caused by them. For example, my friends always want me to have such an active social life that it doesn't give me time to do my work and studying. When I tell them I can't do some things because I need to do my work first, problems start and the drama begins. My expectations and my family expectations come first. In "A Raisin in the Sun," Mama has many expectations for Walter. An expectation she brought to his attention was being the man of the house and taking control and having many responsibilities with the money she gave him. Mama gave Walter the leftover money she had after purchasing the house for Beneathas medical school and Walters investment money for the liquor store. Walter abused his power and gave Willy Harris all the money, which was a tragedy because he ran away with all of Walter and Bobos money. If they worked together and put the fighting aside, because that gets people nowhere, then they could find a way to resolve the problems. However, they would have to try and keep a positive attitude and give each other respect and patience.

  17. Erica Guaglianone (period 3)
    One expectation for myself are that I be responsible with my school work and friendly towards others. My family expects me to be responsible as well, and to be respectful towards everyone. Usually, the only conflict occurs when I am not responsible and end up not doing as well as I could have in school. In "A Raisin in the Sun," there is conflict when Walter wants the money from Mama's check for himself, but she doesn't want to give it to him. I think that the best way for this to be resolved is if every member of the family is respectful of Mama's wishes to use the money how she would like it to be spent, and not try to convince her to let them use the money for their own selfish reasons.

  18. Keith Lometti period 7
    Some expectations that I have for myself are to do well in school, try to be nice and be responsible. My friends and family expect most of the same things out of me because my parents want me to be successful and do well in school. My parents also want be to be a responsible and nice person to others. My friends want me to be nice to them also. Differences in expectations can cause conflict because if you do not meet someone else's expectations then that person might be upset with you or angry that you did not try hard enough. One example of people not meeting other's expectations would be when a student fails a test. The teacher would probably be disappointed in the student for not meeting their expectations. One example of conflict over expectations in "Raisin In The Sun", was when Ruth was telling walter that she was going to get an abortion and mama was telling Walter that he should step up and tell Ruth that they were going to keep the baby and not kill it but Walter just left the house as oppose to saying something to Ruth. Walter did not meet his mama's expectations of being able to step up and say that they were going to keep the baby. These conflicts could be resolved if Walter had stepped up and said that they were going to keep the baby.

  19. Sam O period 6
    My parents expect me to do normal things like clean my room be nice to my brother and sister, listen to my teachers and just do my best. I have simalar expectations but I have a goal of staying organized which I'm still trying to master. My friends expect me to be there for them during rough times in there life. I help my friends the best I can but because I can be lazy that can cause argument. Simalar to Walter if he's selfish and only cares about his liquor store a fight might arise between him and Ruth.

  20. Daniella Lagani Period 7-
    My parents’ expectations of me at home is to help them with chores and to baby-sit my younger siblings when they ask me to. In school they expect me to get As and to get a G.P.A of 90 or higher. They really believe that these expectations are realistic. And so do I. I strive for 90s on all my tests but sometimes my expectations drop and I would be happy with a grade of 80 or above. However I do have high expectations for myself because I would like to get a college scholarship, and maybe one day become a teacher. My parents’ expectations and mine are quiet similar so there isn’t much conflict. Sometimes people have expectations that are different from their parents and therefore conflict is created. That is because the person doesn’t know which expectations are realistic and which ones they should follow. In the play; A Raisin in the Sun, Mama’s expectations of her son, Walter, is for him to take care of the money she received. But Walter just wasted it while trying to invest in liquor and failing. This conflict could have been resolved if Walter didn’t give all his money to Willy, and just listened to his mother and set aside money for his sister. But since Willy ran away with the money, there may not be a resolution.

  21. Without expectations and goals you will never know if you have accomplished your full potential or what is expected of you.

    I have many expectations for myself for example in education I mus behave, be respectful, and try my best to understand the whole concept and do more then what is expected. I also try my best to not let people down. My friends and family expect me to back them up when necissary, be there for them, and spend time with them. I also need to respect them. If I do not respect them then why should they respect me? I seldom have conflicts regarding my expectations because they are essentially the same as my parents. In “A Raisin in the Sun”, mama expected Walter to deposit the money for Beneatha’s college but he spent it on his investment. When his investment went bad then they were just bound to have a fight.

  22. Max Uretta Period 7-
    Some expectations that i have for myself are to do well in school. I expect this because i know i can succeed in school if i really try. Another expectation i have for myself is to mindful and caring towards others. I really do think that you should treat others the way you want to be treated, so that is why i expect myself to be mindful and caring towards others. Some expectations my family has for me is to be respectful and not disobey them. My parents do not like it when i am disrespectful to them, my siblings, or anyone at all. I support them when they say this because disrespect is a reflection on not only you but your parents and i don't want my parents looking bad because of me. Also when my parents tell me to do something they expect me to do it and not disobey them. One different expectation that i have from my family is to not fight with my sister. I find it hard to not argue or fight with my sister, especially when she is mean to me. I believe that i should be able to argue with her and hold her back from hitting me so i can prove a point and not get hit. This creates conflict because when i do fight back with her my parents get angry that i am not listening to them and then it just starts a fight between everyone. In "A Raisin In The Sun" when mama gives walter the money, she expects him to be careful with it and spend it carefully. Instead, he puts all of it into the liquor store and wasn't careful and got it all stolen from him. This starts conflict because now instead of having all that money, it was wasted and that money could have benefited everyone in the family, but Walter got selfish and got it thrown away.

  23. Claudia Marino - Period 7

    The expectations that I have for myself are to be kind and respectful to others, as well as tend to my responsibilities at home and as a student.
    My parents have similar expectations of me, but they also expect me to put effort and be diligent in everything I do. I would like to go to college and get a degree in either education, film direction or acting; I haven't decided.

    Walter's expectations of himself have caused conflict within himself and his family because he has not fulfilled what he believes is his full potential. Solving this conflict is tricky because so many obstacles are standing in Walter's way of becoming a business man that provides for his family. These include discrimination, finance, and lack of trust from his mother. Mama knows of Walter's ambition to invest in a liquor store, and she also knows that this isn't a wise decision. However, she sees how miserable her son is, and decides to give him a chance to prove himself. She gives him the remainder of the insurance check money, telling him that he is now the head of the family. Mama expects Walter to be responsible, but he goes and invests foolishly as his mother had anticipated at first.

    When Willy Harris ran away with the money that Walter had invested, the Youngers lost all of the extra money they had to their name. Needless to say, Mama's expectations of Walter were not fulfilled.

  24. Carlye Uretta Period 4- Some expectations i have for myself is to be a better friend and treat others right, to do well in school and try my best in everything. My friends expect me to be there as someone they can talk to whenever they need someone, to be loyal and not talk about them behind their backs, to be trustworthy, to be respected and nice. My parents expect me to be respectful of others, to listen to my elders, to do as i am told the first time im told, and to try my best to my best ability. Differences in expectations sometimes lead to fights with my friends or family because if i think what im expected to do is different then what my friends and family expect of me then i could do something wrong and since i already have my expectations set i wouldnt agree with them. Because i have my expectations set and they have theirs and if i do something wrong i could think its not wrong but they could be thinking otherwise. In "Raisin in the Sun" Mama expects Walter to care for Ruth when she needed him after she told him about the baby. He wasnt there for her and Mama was shocked because he was acting different, everyone was upset and mad at each other so Walter dealing with all the stress left. Which then caused Mama and Ruth to get mad because they didnt expect him to just turn to drinks whenever he was mad, or to just ignore the fact that Ruth is pregnant and be rude about it. These conflicts could be resolved if everyone in the house relaxed and became more understandable of each other because they are all going through the same thing, so therefore they all know each others pain and none of them like the pain, so it wouldnt be right to inflict more pain on someone if you know for a fact that you both are going through the same thing because you wouldnt like it if that was you. Instead of fighting with each other they should think before they speak and take each others feelings into consideration first before they act.

  25. Brandon A. Period 3
    Some expectations that i have for myself are to good in school, and always keep my grades up. another expectation that i have for myself is to be good at any sport or thing i do. i always want to perservere through hard things/events. my parents expectations are to have at least and 85 and above in all y classes. although i can not always pull off those grade that is what they think is passing. they also want me to be kind, respectful and listen to what they say. what i expect for my family is for me not to argue with my sister, i never win i always get the blame. it isnt far and then i get into a fight with my parents then i get grounded. so its a lose lose situation. in a "Rasin In The Sun" mama expects benetha to be a believer in god. when beneatha said she doesnt believe in god mama got mad at her and smack her and embarresed her and front of ruth. beneatha should be able to believe in whatever religion she wants to.

  26. Nick Falciglia Period 3-
    My expectations for myself are to stay one of the starting 5 players on the basketball team. My parents also have expectations for me, which are, be responsible, do my chores and get good grades. Some of these cause a conflict because when I should be studying for tests, I'm usually playing basketball. In "A Raisin In The Sun" Walter faces some conflicts with his expectations. Walters expectations are to make money and be the man of the house. His conflict is that his job doesn't pay enough money to get enough food for his family and pay for their apartment. I think a good way to fix this problem would be to invest some of the life insurance money, and get a better paying job.

  27. Mike S. pd. 3 - My expectations for myself in school is to work hard and receive good grades. My expectations for myself at home are not as high because I am lazy. My mom expects me to clean my room and help with the garbage along with anything else where is needed. Since I do not meet these expectations at all times, my mom results in punishing me. I do not agree with these punishments because of the not needed expectations at home. In "A Raisin in the Sun", expectations cause conflict with Walter. Walter had high expectations for his life because he wanted to be somebody that he couldnt reach. This caused Walter to have many outbursts and make him angry with his life. These conflicts could be resolved by working harder to meet expectations or lowering expectations to be more realistic.

  28. Tristan Votta Period 6
    One expectation I have for myself is to always excell in school and in whatever I do. Some expectations others' have for me is to always treat them with respect, and kindness. My parents expect me to do well in school and try my best in everything I do. In the book, "A Raisin in the Sun," Mama expected her son Walter to use her money wisely. However, when he used the money irresponsibly her expectation wasn't met, causing conflict. She became extremely dissapointed in him for selfishly using the money for his needs, and thinking nothing of his sister Beneatha's college fund.

  29. Nicolette Forgione Period 3 - My expectations that I have for myself are being responsible for my actions and what I do, treating others including my friends and family with respect and trying my best and putting forth all of my effort in my schoolwork and tests. My friends expect me to be by their side through the ups and downs,being a shoulder for them to cry on when they're upset about something and to be nice and trustworthy. My parents expect me to respect everyone around me, do well in school, respect my elders, do what I'm told and not have an attitude about it and try my best in everything. The differences in expectations sometimes may lead to conflicts with my friends or my family because if I have different expectations of myself than what my friends and family expect of me, it can cause an argument due to the fact that we have different perspectives on what I am expected to be/do. In "Raisin in the Sun", Mama's expectations of Walter is for him to be kind, supportive and loving to Ruth when she told him that she was pregnant and was thinking about having an abortion. Walter had no emotion or care for this matter and instead of being there for her and telling her that she shouldn't get an abortion, he went out and got drunk instead so that he could forget about all of the stress that was currently taking over his life. This got both Ruth and Mama mad because of the fact that Walter didn't say anything about Ruth getting an abortion and he didn't show any emotion about her being pregnant. These conflicts can be resolved by each person in the house sitting down and telling each other what they're currently feeling because it's obvious that there is stress building up in the house from all of the fighting so if everyone took the chance to get to know one another, there would be more happiness in the house and less stress and conflicts.

  30. Kyle Lometti period 3
    One expectation I have for myself is to do well in school and in other things outside of school. One expectation my friends have for me is to always treat them nicely. One expectation my parents have for me is to be responsible. The differences in these expectations result in conflict because I will be focusing on doing the expectations I have for myself and not necessarily the ones others have for me. This will result in me not meeting their expectations and them getting angry with me. In "A Raisin In the Sun" Mama expects Walter to spend the money she gave him on something smart and something that will be beneficial to the family and not only him. Walter's expectations for himself are to become successful and be able to provide for his family. When he spends the money on the liquor store he does not meet the expectations Mama had for him, this resulting in a conflict between them.

  31. Harrison Steins- Period 7- I have many expectations for myself, I believe that with no expectations in your life you will never accomplish something because you didn't that you could do it or that you could not do it, you were neutral on that subject. I expect my self to do my best in school so that I can get into the schools I want and become a doctor. I also expect myself to be the nicest I can be, and always respectful to everyone I meet especially adults. I also expect to present my self in a very appropriate manner, such that I do not give off a message that I do not care how I look and I do not take care of myself. I also expect myself to excel in almost everything that I do, because if I do not then I will let myself down and maybe others in the future or now. Friends and family, I think have the same expectations maybe not as harsh, they also expect me to act how I normally would and be funny and typical while doing it. I usually do not create conflict with these expectations, because I try to fulfill them as best I ca, if I do not then I will just try better next time. If there is a conflict such as I do not do something because I have others tasks prioritized first then I will take the punishment. Conflicts with expectations occur at many different points throughout the book "A Raisin in the Sun". One of the most renowned conflicts was between Mama and Walter, in which Walter wouldn't try to convince his wife not to get and abortion and to keep the baby that she is pregnant with. Mama expects Walter to do what his father would have done. Walter has other ideas of his own, he feels belittled by her and is his own person. This conflict was resolved when Mama gave Walter the rest of the money from the check and made his feel as the "man of the house". Now everyone in the book thus far is happy in their place and Mama and Walter have worked out they're differences.

  32. Kiana Comizio Period 7-
    Some expectations that I have for myself include working my hardest and always trying my best. This includes working hard in school, obeying my parents, being kind, and making responsible choices. My family expects me to spend time with them, treat myself and others with respect and kindness, and to do well in school. My expectations are very similar to my parents expectations and only conflict rarely. This is because I know that my parents expectations of me will help me out in the long run. If I don't work as hard as I could have, and don't meet one of my parents expectations my parents usually talk to me and remind me why its important that I meet that expectation. In "A Raisin in the Sun" there are multiple conflicts in expectations. One of them is that Walter expects his family to respect and follow his decisions and ideas because he is the 'man of the house'. A conflict occurs because his family is very strong about their own opinions. Walter also makes it hard for his family to believe in him because he constantly comes home drunk and disappoints them. If Walter started becoming more responsible and communicated to his family in a more civil manor they are more likely to listen to him.

  33. Ariel Coonin period 6
    My expectations I have for myself is to do my best in whatever I do and be honest and open to my friends. One thing that I try my best to excel in school because I know that I am capable of doing well and there is no reason to not try my best. My friends expect me to be forgiving, understanding, to be a good listener and to be there for them when they need it. In return I expect the same from them so we have good relationships. My parents expect me to do well in school because they know what I am capable of and they want me to do my best. They also expect me to do my homework and clean my room; although I hate to clean. Differences in expectations can cause conflicts because when one person expects something and the other person disagrees it can cause relationships to take a negative downfall. In "A Raisin In the Sun" Walter expects himself to be the man of the family and Mama expects Walter to be respectful and do what he can. This is a conflict of expectations which causes Walter to act obnoxiously towards his family and talk down to them. He is frustrated because he is not the man of the house and Mama is frustrated that she is not doing what she expected. Specifically, when Mama gave Walter the money she expected him to put it in the bank, but he took the money and spent it on his own dreams. These conflicts could be resolved by making compromises. The family needs to sit down and discuss the situation so that they can get rid of the conflicts.

  34. James Delia period 6

    My expectations for myself are to get good grades, try my best, listen to my parents, and be responsible. My parents expectations for me are to be responsible, get good grades, clean my room, and help them with anything they need help with. If I don't meet my expectations, then I will get something taken away from me. In the book, "A Raisin In The Sun," mama gives Walter some money so he can invest it into his liquor store. Walter didn't use the money wisely and mama was very upset because he did not reach her expectations and he ended up getting scammed. Mama became upset because Walter lost the left over money and Beneatha's dreams of becoming a doctor are nearly over. This could be resolved by Walter making lower expectations for himself and building them up as he accomplishes each one.

  35. Gabriella B (period3)-
    I have very high expectations for myself, sometimes I expect too much from myself. I expect my self to get good grades in school, be the best dancer I can be and always be there for my friends. My friends and family expect almost the same things from me that I expect from myself. My parents expect me to just do my best in everything I do but I expect myself to be perfect. The differences in expectations don’t usually cause conflict between my family/friends and I. when there are differences I usually try to look at the other person’s point of view and understand what they believe. A conflict in a Raisin in the Sun, is that Walter wants to be the man of the house and be able to support his family. This is a conflict though because he believes the only way he can do this is with the liquor business, but no one believes he will be able to stay in the liquor business. This conflict can be resolved by Walter’s family supporting him and trying to understand why he wants this business. If his family were to let him explain his reasoning they might understand better and have more faith in Walter.

  36. Richard Hoffberg Period 3
    At school I am expected to do my work and get good grades on my report card. At home I am expected to be social, polite, do my homework, and not get into fights with my sisters. My friends expect me to be helpful and quiet. Sometimes I'd rather go to extra help rather then something else, so we can't decide what to do and get into small arguments. The conflict between the Youngers and Mr. Lindner/Clybourne Park is a major conflict. This was evident because it was obvious they didn't want the Youngers in the community. Ending segregation and racism would end this conflict.

  37. Marianna D.
    Period 3

    I have low expectations for myself, I expect myself to be respectful and caring. I always want to be there for others and as long as I do that I don't expect much more. My peers don't expect much from me either, I'm always there for them and don't let them down. My parents on the other hand expect so much from me, they expect my grades to be higher for me to be responsible, respectful and loyal. The differences in expectations don't really cause a conflict with my peers but it does cause a conflict with my parents. Since they expect more from me than I expect for myself it's hard, we argue but they'll always end up right at the end. In the novel Raisin In The Sun Walter has a conflict with his peers, he always wants things to be his way. For example when the check came he wanted to use it to open a liquor store but his family wanted to use the money to help them not fall apart and Walter did not agree much with their idea until they argued about it.

  38. Mike G Period 3
    I have many expectations for myself both inside and outside of school. Inside of school i expect my grades to be above a 90. I also try to responsible about my work and take my work seriously. Outside of school i try to be nice to my siblings, though it always doesn't turn out that way. My parents expect the same from me. They have very high expectations as do i. They also still expect me to hang out with them. This is where conflict arises. I hang out with them sometimes because they are my family and i have to, but now that i am older i like to do my own thing. In "A Raisin in the Sun" mama expects Walter to stand up to Ruth when she states her desire for an abortion. Mama expected Walter to tell Ruth to keep the child, but instead he didn't know what to do and walked away. These could be resolved by Walter standing up to Ruth and telling her that abortions are wrong.

  39. Mark Menniti
    There are several people in my nlife that have expectations for me, to be as successful as I can. First for myself I expect myself to work to my best ability as a student. Next I dedicate alot of myself to working out. When I do well in both these areas I feel good about myself.My parents have high expectations from me as a person, student, which I know I can do better. As in the story A Rasin in the Sun, Walter works hard But can work even harder if he had the money to invest in the liquor store.Also as a good Christian, to be good and helpful to others.As mama is, and teachers her children to be in the story. And I do believe what we do in life mentally and physically represents who we are.So make it good.

  40. Sydney Mueller (Period 3)-
    My expectations for myself are all about becoming more social and creating more of a friendly atmosphere around. I am going to try to be more optimistic rather then pessimistic because my attitude will affect my friends attitude around me. My negative attitude doesn’t include any benefits for myself because all I focus on is the bad in my life, when there is so many excellent things happening for me. My parents expect me to do my work to the best of my ability with little to no expectations of grades below what I usually receive. My parents also know that I am smart enough to stay out of trouble and they also want me to stay out of the drama with my friends. My friends expect me to keep their secrets and to not joke around with them when they take it seriously. They want to have me as a trusted friend and with that comes the responsibilities of keeping their innermost secrets. When my expectations are different than others, drama will start and the relationships I have with people will start to pull apart. One disagreement could cause a blown out fight whether it is between my friends and I, or my parents and I. The people I care about could start to drift away and we could even become so different that we will never talk again. I have seen a conflict of expectations in “A Raisin in the Sun” between Mama and Walter. When Ruth announces that she is officially pregnant with a new child and thinking about getting an abortion, Mama is desperately trying to convince her to keep the unborn child. When Walter hears the news, he doesn’t oppose the idea of getting rid of the child because of some of the financial and personal issues he is having. Mama is furious at Walter for not trying to convince Ruth to keep the child and almost disowns him because he is not the man she wants him to be. She feels like he is caring more about the money and his problems rather than caring about keeping a family together. These conflicts could be resolved by Walter starting to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around him and that there are other people in his life that are being put in a tricky situation. Mama could also be more accepting of Walters ways even if they are not what his father would have acted like. If Walter is put in perspective of the situation, he would start to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around the money that they are receiving and the liquor store that he wants to open. With all of these factors in play, there would be a friendlier atmosphere for the whole family and it would create a healthy relationship.

  41. Shannon Zuccarelli - Period 6
    My expectation of myself is to always do the best I can in school, and properly prepare for the tests I have so I can get good grades. My family expects me to be respectful at home and also do the best I can when it comes to school work. My friends expect me to be a good listener and to help them, and be there for them when they need me. When there is a difference in expectations between people, it can create conflict by possibly causing an argument and ruining your relationship with that person. In "A Raisin in the Sun" there were conflicts with Walter and Mama. Mama received a big check and Walter wanted to invest that money in a liquor store. He has been having internal conflicts with himself by not feeling like he is the man of the house and being listened to by his mother and wife. These conflicts can be resolved by Mama and Ruth paying more attention to Walter and showing him that they care about what he has to say as being apart of the family.

  42. Tory T
    Some expectations I have for myself is to always try and to work to my best capability. I have these expectations also as motivation to always make me try to work the best I can. Expectations my friends and family have are the same and also to be respectful of their opinions and be mindful of their situation. There really isn't any conflict in expectations other than I am usually blatantly honest which doesn't always work in my favor with my friends.Theres a conflict in expectations between Walter and Ruth in Rasin in the Sun. They both see differently on how they should uphold their family. They should talk more about their dreams with each other, so they can build bond and trust. Which is important in a healthy relationship.

  43. Roma S. (pd. 4)……I have many expectations for myself. Some of these expectations are to keep up my grades in school, live a healthy life, and be a “go getter” when certain opportunities come into my life. My friends expect me to be kind, trustful, and helpful in their time of need. My parents’ expectations for me include being respectful, responsible, and successful in school, and maintaining a balance between my social life and academics. For myself personally, I don’t have many conflicts between these expectations because I pretty much live up to them. In another’s situation, a parent for example may say school comes first before anything, but their teenager could feel that school isn’t everything and shouldn’t take away from their outside activities. It could cause fights and heated discussions although end in a compromise being made. In “A Raisin in the Sun,” Beneatha Younger is dating a man named George Murchison. George wants Beneatha to be the standard American wife which means the wife should be stuck in a house, cooking, cleaning, and caring for the family. Beneatha, however, wants something more in her life than experiencing cabin fever on a day to day basis. Her dream is to be in the working class and occupied as an African American doctor. George also expects Beneatha to assimilate into the common house wife rather than her search and trace back the roots from which she sprouted from. These conflicts could be resolved by George accepting the fact that Beneatha’s dream will and should be fulfilled. Also, Beneatha should not be so hard headed about some of the ideas that George has. These compromises can help the conflict get better and create a stronger bond between this couple.

  44. Conor McGillicuddy – Period 3 –

    I have many expectations that I have for myself. I hope that I am able to diligently practice the two musical instruments I play and be proficient at them. Another big goal of mine is to try everything with my full potential. I will try my hardest at any task given. My friends and family expect me to be respectful and patient. They want me to succeed and be prosperous. If I am not respectful, then the relationship may crumble and I will have to not be friends with that person anymore. In the play, “A Raisin In the Sun”, there is a great tension between George and Beneatha. The two characters have disagreeing viewpoints on how each other should act. George does not fully realize Beneatha’s potential and Beneatha wants some respect from George. If the two people sat down and calmly talked about their issue in a positive way, then the conflict would eventually come to a manageable agreement.

  45. Amanda Levkoff-Period 6:

    I have very high expectations for myself. I always try to get good grades, put in effort into my work, listen to my parents, and be as responsible and respectful as I can be. MY parents expect me to do my best in everything, but sometimes they expect too much from me than I would expect from myself. THe difference in expectations don't really cause any conflicts between my family and friends to me. If there is any difference in expectations than we try to find a better way to expect things from myself and each other. One conflict in "A Raisin in the Sun" would be that Walter wants to be the man of the household. This is a conflict because he thinks money is everything and that money is more than family and Mama doesn't agree with him. This conflict can be resolved by the Younger's supporting Walter more and making him feel like he could play more of the lead role in controlling their household.

  46. Federica Balboni Period 4

    I have many expectations for myself. They are not to high and not to low. The expectations I have for myself are to get good grades, live a healthy fit life, and to keep myself out of trouble and also to have a clean organized room and social schedule. My family and friends pretty much expect the same things out of me as I do for myself. My parents expectations are just a little more advanced then my own because they want me to work twice as hard in everything because they believe I can overcome any challenge that crosses my path in life. Conflicts and disputes can be created if people have different expectations for me then i have for myself. In the "Raisin in the Sun" their are conflicts of expectations. One conflict that ponders upon Walter and Ruth is the expectation of Walter to support a family of more then one child. Ruth expects this out of her husband because she wants to have another child but feels like it is a bad idea because they don't have the money to support it with everything else going on in their life. To resolve this problem Ruth doesn't expect Walter to work any harder then he already is even though he has the dreams of becoming more then what he already is but cannot fufill those dreams yet. Ruth goes out of her way and loses her dream of having a large family and decides whether or not one child is enough for her. She's willing to make the sacrifice because she doesn't want any more fighting within the family.

  47. Brian Ganis Pd-3
    I have very basic and simple expectations that i place amongst myself. Strive for good grades, act mature, be responsible and also to be a good person. My family and friends expect me to make the right choices, and they only want the best for me. I feel that on the school basis i apply more pressure on myself than anyone else. It's not that my parents don't push me because believe me they do. As long as i try my best than they will be satisfied. But if i fool around and (for lack of a better word act) "stupidly." Than there is no "but's". Walter feels that Ruth, Mama. etc. expect him to provide for his family and work his way up so that they can live a healthy, lavished life style. As a affect of these expectations, Walter get's so caught up in this liquor store idea. In Walter's mind the only way for this mental confilict to be resolved is if he is given the confidence from the family that he needs, and if his idea is a success.

  48. Emma LaBarbera- Period 7

    I have very high expectations for myself. One expectation I have for myself is to be a good student in both completing my work, and participating in class discussions. Another expectation I have for myself is to always try and have fun and not be too serious and always keep what I really want in mind. I believe that by having expectations for yourself, it can help you set goals and set apart the priorities in your life. One last important expectations I have for myself is to be a good person and to always think of others and not myself, and this helps me grow as a person. My friends have the expectation for me to be a loyal, trustworthy, and kind friend. I believe that I uphold these expectations and my friends do the same. My family expects me to do the best that I can in school and to put my greatest effort into everything that I do. I believe that the differences in expectations create conflict because others think that some expectations are more important than others, whereas I think opposite. I have seen conflicts in expectations where Willy- one of Walter's business partners- ran off with both Walter and Bobo's money. This caused conflict because Walter and Bobo expected Willy to do what he said he would do with the money, but he didn't. This caused Walter to become very angry because this was not what he was expecting from Willy. This conflict can be resolved by Willy meeting his expectations or by Walter not having such high expectations for people of whom he does not fully trust.

  49. i have good expectation of my self i'm nice to others when they need help trying to get better grades.my family expectation for me are that im not that hard worker need to improve. some expectation bring conflict depending on what it is if its good or bad. when walter was mad with his sister beneatha he said how she gets almost all the money for her college and it was a waist of time so walter was expecting that mama was going to trust most of of the money for him.it could be solved same way mama did was to fine good cheap house and try to give money for beneatha college and give some cash left over to walter.-luis barrera period 7

  50. I have kind of low expectations for myself, I expect myself to be respectful and nice to others. I always want to b there for someone who doesnt have others to help them out.many people dont expect much from me but i try my best to prove them wrong. My parents on the other hand expect much from me, they expect good grades and for me to respect and trust them. Since they expect more from me than I expect for myself it's hard, its hard because if i mess up a little they get disapointed and alert me that they expected more from me. In the novel Raisin In The Sun Walter has a conflict with his family, he always wants things to be his way. For example when the check came he wanted to use it to open a liquor store but his family wanted to use the money to help them not fall apart and Walter did not agree much with their idea until they argued about it.

  51. Nick Nelson period 6.

    I have a few expectations for myself. One of these expectations is to complete all of my work and to do well in school. Another is to be a responsible and good person. The expectations that my friends and family have of me are the same as what I expect for myself. Differences in expectations can cause conflict because if you do not meet te expectations of others they could become angry and believe that you didn't try hard enough. In "A Raisin in the Sun," an example of conflict between expectations is when mama gives Walter the money to spend wisely and instead he invests it all and gets it stolen from him. This will cause major conflict between Walter and the entire family. These conflicts could be resolved by Walter trying his hardest to recover the money after he apologizes sincerely.

  52. Jorge Pena period 6

    I have some expectations, one of these expectations is to do my homework and do projects that are required for class, i would expect to study hard for test. When i am not in school i am expected to be a responsible and a good person to the people. I think the expectations that i have to those compared that my parents expect is the same they want me to do well in school get good grades and complete my work and projects for class. The expectations that my friends and family have of me is to be responsible and to be a good person. I dont share my expectations with them i think that i should achieve them in school and in the society, they dont differ from my expectations. The expectations can differ to what the people expect from me i think i can achieve them.

  53. Sydney Rheingold Period 6- I have many expectations for myself now in the present and for the future I have learned that to work hard now will be much easier then to work twice as hard in the future. If I work hard now and accomplish everything that I wish to accomplish it will make me very successful later on in my life. Some expectations I have of myself is to put 100% effort into everything that I do even if I don't like it or I don't do good in it. Some other expectations that I have of myself is to be proud of everything and anything that I do, because if I put in all of my effort I should be proud of it. My family and my friends have expectations of me also, they know that I will always be truthful and tell them everything that they need to know. They expect me to be caring to them as a good friend and family member would do in any situation. Some conflicts that may occur are different opinions or "definitions" of what is/should be done to quantify the quality of ones actions and being. In "A Raisin in the Sun," there's a conflict between Walter and his family when Mama ends up giving Walter the rest of the money to spend wisely and instead he did what he wanted to do, and invests the money, and ends up getting it stolen from him. He doesn't know where it is or how he will get it back, the conflict can be solved by him telling everyone what a mistake he did and what hes gonna do or try to do, he could also apologize for being irresponsible with his money.

  54. Daniel Quinn Period 4- Some of the expectations that I have for myself are to to well in school, to do well sports and to always do my best. The expectations that my family has of me, are similar to the ones I have of myself. The difference between them is that sometimes I have higher expectations for myself than my family does and sometimes my family has higher expectations for me than I do. This difference may cause conflict because if everyone isn't happy then problems will arise. In "A Raisin in the Sun," there is a conflict of expectations between Walter and Mama. This conflict happens when Mama tells Walter to tell his wife that she should not get an abortion because they won't be able to afford to have another child. Walter does not say anything and leaves the apartment. This conflict can be resolved if Walter tells Ruth that she will not get the abortion and they will raise the child.

  55. Dominique Loguidice (Period 4)
    I have many expectations for myself. The most important ones to me personally is to be a great student who always works hard in completing my work. Another expectation for myself is to continue to work hard at Softball and become better and better as years pass. This is a very important expectation for myself. I always want to work hard in sports and be a great athlete. I want to become better and better and succeed in anything. My family overall, has the same expectations as I do for myself with the addition of one thing. I am expected to be a respectful daughter to my parents & siblings. I am also expected to be a great friend to all of my closest classmates. If people who are close to you have different expectations for yourself it could create a conflict. One of these conflicts could be the fact that other peoples expectations could not be the best ones for you personally, and wouldn't make you improve or become a better person. In A Raisin in the Sun, I have seen one conflict of expectations. This is shown when Mama gives the rest of the $10,000 to walter with complete trust in him that he would use it to fulfill his dreams as well as eventually benefit the family. As the book goes on, we learn that Walter ends up loosing all the money as well as his dignity and pride. Mama's expectation for Walter was trust and he did not meet it. These conflicts could be resolved by having pride and confidence in yourself and doing what's overall best for yourself as an individual.

  56. Nicole D'Annibale (period 4) -
    Some expectations that I have for myself include always trying hard and working to the best of my ability. I try to meet these expectations in school work, listening to my parents, being a good friend, making responsible decisions and being a good person. My family expects me to do well in school, spend time with them, and be a good person. My expectations and my parents' expectations barely conflict because they have taught me how to do well in school, at home and just in life, being able to meet or exceed those expectations. If I meet the expectations of my parents, my expectations are usually met as well. There are multiple conflicts between expectations in "A Raisin in the Sun". When Walter expects himself to be the man of the house and provide for his family, his mother and wife only expect him to help out and be respectful just enough for all of them, problems arise. This conflict causes Walter to act careless for his family. He becomes frustrated because he feels that he cannot reach his expectations. All of his family around him is also frustrated because he is not doing what is expected of him. Resolutions to these problem can be made by taking time out to discuss all of their problems and work out compromises to help each other.

  57. Rebecca O- Period 4:

    I have many expectations for myself. One of those is to always work to my fullest potential. Another is to be a good friend and to set a good example for my younger brother. My family expects me to work to my fullest potential and never to give up or quit when I don't do well, because you can always do better. My friends expect me to be trustworthy and responsible and to always be there for when they need me. A difference in expectations does create conflict, if someone has lower expectations than to what you want, you're going to get in a fight, especially if they backstab you. In "A Raisin in the Sun" There's a conflict of expectations when Mama wants Walter to be a man, and split the insurance check with Beneatha, but when Walter takes the check for himself, and Willy Harris leaves with the money Mama is disappointed in Walter. This conflict was solved when Walter stood up to Linder, a representative for Clybourne Park, Linder asked them to move out, but Walter said no. They moved into the house after that into an All-White neighborhood

  58. Jenn Moran Period 7
    I have many expectations for myself. Some of these expectations are to be respectful to everyone that I know, be responsible, to be successful in school, try to handle any kind of situations with the best of my ability, and to stay out of trouble. My family and friends have mostly the same expectations for me because they want me to be successful in life and to have fun once in a while. The only kind of conflict that I would get into is when I’m being disrespectful to my family or friends. In the novel “Raisin in the Sun,” after buying the house Mama gave Walter the rest of the insurance money. Mama had faith in him, she told him to put the money for Beneathas medical school in the bank and use the rest of the money wisely. But instead Walter betrays his family by investing his sisters’ medical school money and the rest of the money Mama gave to him, and put it all in the liquor store. Everyone’s expectations weren’t met, causing conflict. Mama was very disappointed in him, she trusted him with all that money, but now Mama had lost all trust in his son, he was being selfish and only using it for is causes. The best way to solve this conflict is by stop arguing and to talk things through in a more calm positive way.

  59. sabrina a period 4- my expectations for my self are to do good in school, other activities outside of school, be respectful to others and to try to stay to of trouble. My family and friends pretty much have the same expectations as me but more. For example, what i think is a good grade my parents don't. The conflict about expectations in my house is over grades. in the novel Raisin in the Sun Mama bought a house with the insurance money. a conflict occurred because walter believed the money should be spent on investment in the licker store but the rest of the family didn't. This conflict started because walter believed money was more important than anything else. Walter's expectation were different than the family's that is how a conflict occurred.

  60. Jillian Roos , Period 4.

    The expectations that I have for myself are considered more laid back and different from my Family’s. For example, in school I don’t really attempt to try hard so I have ‘okay’ grades. Because of this my parents are mad because I don’t meet up to my full potential like they want me to. My situation is similar to A Raisin in the Sun because Mama wants her children to work hard as they can for their money because Walter lost it all. Walter has a negative attitude about the idea of working all day and night and suggests they don’t move. However, Beneatha disagrees with the idea and convinces the family to not sell their house.

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