Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Find Your Own Beach

Cassie's family often spent time together on the rooftop of the apartment building where they lived.  The tar roof was their "beach."

Compare and contrast Cassie's life on Tar Beach in the city, with your life. How does Cassie try to make her dreams come true? Can you think of a place near your home that could be your pretend beach? If you planned a picinic there, whom would you invite and why?

Tar Beach

The union referred to in the story "Tar Beach" is known as a labor union.  A labor union is an organization made up of people who work in the same profession and who have banded together in order to deal as a group with employers.  Before the development of labor unions, individual workers often had no influence in determining how they were paid, how long they worked, or what their working conditions were like.  Workers formed unions because they had more power as a group than they had as individuals.  Today there are unions for teachers, firefighters, and farm workers, as well as many other professionals. 

Although Cassie's father helped to build the union building, he and his father before him were not members of the union because it did not accept African Americans or Native Americans as members.

Have you ever wanted to be part of a group of club that wouldn't let certain people join? Did you like being part of the group? Why or Why not? Why didn't you include certain people? How do you think that made them feel? How did you feel?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We are Poets!

Type ONE of your poems here! Be sure to include your first name and period!  If you would like to remain anonymous, print your poem after posting and hand it in to Ms. Morrissey

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Poet's Perspective About Poetry

Type your responses here! Remember to write the quote, your interpreration and respond to all questions!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Corpse Bride

Yesterday we read and veiwed "The Corpse Bride".  We discussed how writers use specific words and phrases in order to convey "tone" and "mood".  Directors use sounds, costumes, images, and colors to create intended "tone" and "mood". 

Describe the mood of the movie and the techniques that Tim Burton used to achieve this.  (minimum 6-8 sentences)