Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Find Your Own Beach

Cassie's family often spent time together on the rooftop of the apartment building where they lived.  The tar roof was their "beach."

Compare and contrast Cassie's life on Tar Beach in the city, with your life. How does Cassie try to make her dreams come true? Can you think of a place near your home that could be your pretend beach? If you planned a picinic there, whom would you invite and why?


  1. Sydney Mueller (Period 3)- Cassie makes her dreams come true by making the best of what she has in her life and isn't pessimistic. Even if she doesn't have the best lifestyle she can turn it around and make an apartment rooftop her safe place. A place near my home that could be my pretend beach is at the tennis courts because I am able to express myself there and people judge me on how I play the sport and not what I look like. I can make true friends here that don't know me in school, where I am quieter and more self-contained. If I planned a picnic here I would invite my family, a few close friends from school and a few close friends from tennis. I would invite these people because they are the ones that know what I am like when I want to be myself and they are the ones that I can talk to about certain problems.

  2. Kiana Comizio Period 7- Cassie makes her rooftop her beach because she feels like for once anything is possible and if she believes it, it can happen. This is because her rooftop make everything look so some so her dreams may seem more realistic which allows her to be hopeful that she can achieve her dreams. I could pretend that my bedroom was my beach because it's comfortable and I feel safe and alone in it. This allows me to be able to think and be myself. I would invite my close friends to my beach if I had a picnic because we would be able to be our selves and express our feelings. We could all talk about our dreams in life and how we are going to achieve them.

  3. When I was little my basement had a playroom in it. My younger sister and I turned this basement into a park, France, ski slopes, any place we dreamed of- and yes, the beach. I think of "Tar Beach" as the place where Cassie can let go and dream....Cassie tries to visualize her dreams. I visualize my dreams but I also write them down. Deciding who I would invite to a picnic would be hard! There are people whom have passed I'd love to speak to (from family members to authors), friends, students, people who inspire and my wonderful family.

    Tell me about your dreams and your picnics! Whe would be there!? Why?!

  4. Mike S. (pd.3) - Cassie makes her dreams come true by visualizing them. On the rooftop Cassie can believe that anything can come true and she believes in herself. Even in a tough time Cassie had the ability to dream by being free on her rooftop. My beach would be the Purchase Community House. My friends and I would go to the community house all the time after school to be our selves and hang out. If I had a party I would invite all my friends from Purchase back to the community house.

  5. Nicole D'Annibale (period 4) When I was younger, I played rec basketball. Since my birthday is in December, I am younger than most of my friends in my grade. For basketball, there were multiple age groups that divided into teams. My friends were always together in the older group, the birthday cutoff date excluded me from playing with them. I was annoyed and just wanted to be on the same team as them. I felt like I was the only one who couldn't play with their friends but I eventually got over it, then was able to play with my friends when I got older. Looking back, it was still fun to play because I was able to play against my friends and we had a good time.

  6. Cassie’s life on Tar Beach is more of a struggle than my life in Harrison. Cassie’s family goes through hardships because of racism and segregation. Her father is not allowed to be part of a union because he is black.

    Cassie uses her imagination to make her dreams come true. In her mind, she flies above the city. Unlike Cassie, I work hard to achieve my dreams. I don’t face the racism that she faced and have more opportunities than she did.

    My pretend beach is the couch in my family room. Lying on the couch makes me relaxed. If I planned a picnic, I would invite my friends because they are fun to hang out with.

  7. Nicole D'Annibale (period 4) Cassie makes her dreams come true by imagening they were real. Cassie pretends that her tar roof is her beach because it is open to everything but safe for her at the same time. Cassie can dream and pretend freely up there and no one would judge her or not let her.My bedroom is my "beach" because I feel comfortable and safe in it. I could do anything in there and imagine it to be anything. If I had a picnic there, I would invite only close friends because they understand me and I can tell them anything.

  8. Ariel Coonin period 6:
    When I was younger, my house had a mini-playground and swing set in the backyard. My little sister and I would play dress up and use the playground as whatever we could imagine or visualize(often it was a castle). Cassie used her tar beach as a safe place where she could go to express herself and just escape her hardships. She escaped her hardships by imagining that she was flying over the whole city. I didn't face any hardships such as she did like racism and discrimination. I used my backyard as I place where I could be creative and express myself. If I had a picnic I would invite my family and my friends because they are the people who I can be myself with.

  9. Jacee C (period 7) -
    Cassie makes her dreams come true by using her active imagination and believing in herself. Back when i lived in Florida, in my backyard, right next to my pool, was a large lake surrounded by really green grass and a couple trees. I used to pretend that i was the animal queen and i ruled over the whole watering hole (lake) and all the animals who gathered around it. if i had a picnic out there, i would've invited all my friends because i have the best time when Im with them and i would have wanted to share my "kingdom" with them. i'd tell them to bring whatever they wanted, and we would eat and then swim, then eat again.

  10. Olivia B- Period 7
    Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by laying down at her tar beach, closing her eyes and dreaming about flying over everything she wants, as if she owned them. In my backyard we have a really big pool with a bunch of chairs around it that me and my family use and lay on and we jump into the pool. We also put on music and have barbeques all the time to entertain guests. Almost every day of the summer my sister and I invite friends over and play with floats and make up games to play in the water. I don’t know who in specific I would invite, but it would probably be a large group of people because I always like having people over in numbers. All throughout my life my pool has been a place to relax, have fun and spend the summer with friends and family so to be there really means a lot to me.

  11. Scott Bartman-Period 4
    Cassies roof is a place where she can escape from real life. She not only is thankful for everything she is given but also she is thankful even though she has a very hard life. She attempts to make her dreams by "escaping" her life and flying away both mentaly and spiritually. In her life she has verry little yet is happy AND thankful even though she has verry little. I have alot and I am thankful for everything for example my health, my family, and the fact that we are close. When I was little I had a plasic house and I used to sprnd hours in there sometimes with friends and we would pretend it was a real house. If I had a piccnic I would invite my family because I like spending time with them.

  12. Richard Hoffberg period 3- Cassie's life in the city was busier and louder then my life in the suburbs. Cassie is more grateful for her things than I am. Cassie pursues her dreams of writing, by writing about things in their life. If i could pick my own beach it would be in a Suny Purchase field. I would invite my parents sisters and grandparents, because they are the people that I am closest to.

  13. James Delia - Period 6

    Cassie made her dreams come true by flying and imagining things. Cassie makes her dreams come true by laying down on her apartment roof and looking at the stars, she imagines flying around New York City. My Tar Beach would be recess during elementary school, because everyone had fun and wished recess would never end. I would invite everyone from Purchase school back to recess.

  14. Tory T period 6-
    Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by imagining herself flying. She imagines she owns the buildings, so she can do what she wants with them. A place near my house that could subsitute for a beach, could be the pond down the road. It would work because there are alot of flowers and the wind makes everything seem pretty. I would invite my grandpa because he always knows how to make me smile. Also, he enjoys things like taking walks since he can't now.

  15. Brian Ganis period 3-
    Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by believing and using her imagination. In her mind the roof top is a place where she feels at one, believing is the second half to her feeling safe and when she's on the roof, believing is second nature. If i had to choose a place symbolic to the "Tar Beech" it would be a nice park. The aroma at a park is calm and relaxing. I would invite the people whom mean a lot to me such as friends, family, etc. The park is the ideal setting for a picnic.

  16. Cassie makes her dreams come true by believing in herself and having an imagination “out of this world.” She goes to the rooftop that she calls her “beach,” here she looks out into the stars and imagines herself flying out with no boundaries. Even in the conditions that she was living in the roof made her feel like nothing else mattered. A place that I would call my “beach” would most likely be my room. In my room I feel very safe and comfortable, a place where I can definitely be myself. I would invite my really close friends to my “beach”, I would invite them because I feel like I can always be myself with them and we would always joke around. At my picnic we would probably eat and just talk about everything that comes up.

  17. Emily Coash Period 7
    Cassie is a dreamer. She closes her eyes and imagines millions of things that make her feel free! A lot of the dreams take place when Cassie is sleeping on her "tar beach' otherwise known as her rooftop. When Cassie slept on her roof she felt like she owned the world. She also felt like she could do and be whoever she wanted to be and felt very safe. When i was little whenever i went to play in my backyard i could be anything in the whole world that i wanted to be. I pretended to be in different places all over the world. I enjoyed this time because i knew i was safe and able to do anything i wanted. If i invited people at my "beach for a picnic i would no doubt have all my friends that are important to me. I know we would have so much fun joking around and talking about endless things. At the picnic we would probably eat, play games and have fun!

  18. Max Uretta period 7-Casie tries to make her dreams come true by laying down and relaxing with her family and friends and having a wonderful timne. Since shes so happy and in a great mood, her dreams are coming true. A place near home that would be my tar beach would be is the beach because the beach is nice and relaxing and a place where you can have fun, your dreams can come true because you can do so much at the beach and have such a great time. if i was to go to the beach i would invite all my friends and my whole family so we can all come together and have an amazing time.

  19. Marianna DeOliveira
    Period 3

    Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by picturing herself and her family at a beach. She imagines that she's at a beach with her family having a great time but she's really at a rooftop. I dream about being at certain places too. You just have to close your eyes and be positive and not let the things around you bother you.

  20. Rebecca O.
    Period 4:
    Cassie believes she can fly to make her dreams come true, she believes that if she flies over something, such as a building than she can claim it and give it to people.
    Anywhere, you can just close your eyes and imagine, and you can show up anywhere.
    I would invite all my friends and family that way we can have a really good time.

  21. Carlye Uretta Period 4- My life is more of the suburbs rather then the city, her life is tough but she doesnt show it, her parents struggle to live where they are living and its a hard time for them. My life im not saying is amazing but i am supported by lovely family and im not very stressed. Sometime i wish i was free and could just get away and make everything good and make everyone happy too. Cassie believes that she can fly and that shes free from everything she believes that if she flys over what she wants she will automatically have it. My roof would probably be my beach, i would invited all my friends and family because then they could all be happy.

  22. David Tolve Period 4- Cassie trys to pretend that her roof is a beach and that she can fly because she belives that anything is possible and that she can change her family for strugling and and to have her dad join the union for me there have been times when my parents strugled but were always able to pull through it but my tar beach would be my roof and i would invite my whole family so we could all be happy

  23. Matthew Miles period 7- Cassie believes she can fly to make her dreams become more than a dream but a reality. She believes if she flies over a building he can claim it for herself and give to the people who really need it. She thinks anybody can fly. I would have the few special people like my family to have a good time on tar beach.

  24. Gabriella B (period 3)- Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by imagining them. She imagines the roof of the apartment building as her beach. Cassie makes the best of what she has which is mainly her family. A place near my home that’s like a beach to me, would be my best friends house. Her house is like my pretend beach because when I am with her and her family I feel like they are my family. When I am around my best friend, I am very relaxed and I can be myself. If I were to plan a picnic, I would invite my closest friends and my family. I would invite these people because they are who I feel comfortable around and they are always there for me when I need them.

  25. Jackie Dalfonso period6- Cassie's apartment had a tared roof which people in the city use the slang "tar beach". she dreamed she could fly,and fly over the G.W bridge. At my house i would consider my front porch tar beach because, i can imagine so great ideas. I've had some very nice memories there. Our neighbors would hang on our porch on hot nights, and we would talk all night. I agree with Cassie. You feel free and at peace when your at your "tar beach".

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Daniella Lagani Period 7- Cassie tried to make her dreams come true by dreaming and pretending. She had great imagination because she was able to feel like she was on a real beach when she really was just on her rooftop. A place near my house that I could probably pretend is a beach, is my backyard. I would invite my close friends and family because if I were going to a real beach I would have invited them. My family and friends are really good at pretending and are fun to han out with

  28. Daniel Quinn Period 4- Cassie tried to make her dreams come true by using her imagination to dream up the impossible, the impossible being her flying. A place that would be my beach would be my back porch. It is a place where my family and friends can hang out and have a good time.

  29. Chris G Period 7- When on tar beach, Cassie made her dreams come true by dreaming, and then believing. If she believed she could do something, she was able to do it. Similar to me, when I was little I used to dream that I was a superhero, saving the day. When I slept I almost always had some fantasizing dream. If I could have any Tar Beach, it would be my bedroom as a child, where I really did feel like I could do anything. Also, it was full of toys and things that represented me, so I felt more comfortable. The only people I would allow to my tar beach would be my close friends, who all have the same interests as me. This way, we could all imagine being that same superhero.

  30. Mike G period 3-
    Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by dreaming and believing that anything is possible. Even though she is on a shabby rooftop, she dreams that she is flying and is doing anything she wants. My "beach" would be when I actually go to Beach Haven on the Jersey Shore. It is a calm community during the day where you can relax and think. It is a small place where you can walk everywhere and not worry about getting lost. However, at night it is a bright, vibrant community with a great nightlife. This combination really suits me well because I like relaxing, but I also like to have fun. I would invite my family, especially my two cousins because we are really close and we like to hang out with each other a lot.

  31. Nick Nelson pd 6
    Cassies dream is to roam free so in her dreams thats what she does. She believes hard enough and her dreams come true. My Tar Beach would be a large, open field. This would be a perfect place for a picnic and i would invite my closest friends and family.

  32. Shannon Zuccarelli Period 6 - Cassie makes her dreams come true by almost living her dreams on her "tar beach". This makes her believe that anything can happen, and she can do anything she wants to do. My beach would be my bedroom, because I could be comfortable and be by myself if I wanted. It is a safe place or my to think and relax. If I were to have a picnic, I would invite my friends so that we can have a good time and hangout together.

  33. Oriana-
    cassies life is different from my life because she lives in the city and i live in a more open place. also i live a block away form the park so my tar beach can be the turf field and if i had a picnic i would invite my closest friends and family.

  34. Alissa H. period 7 said:
    Cassie’s dream was to be free so when she was dreaming she made herself free. Since she believes so intensely her dreams start to become true. My Tar Beach would be at the Rye Oakland Beach. I would invite my closest friends.

  35. Tristan Votta Period 6-
    Cassie's roof is a place where she can go to get away from all the struggles and problems in her life. Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by imagining them. She does this because it makes her feel free, and that she can accomplish anything. My tar beach would be the beach because it makes me feel relaxed and free. I would invite my closest friends and family there.

  36. Melanie Straface period6- Cassie makes her dreams come true by lying on her roof top and imaging that she is flying around the city. On her roof top she feels safe and all of the people she cares about is around her. My “tar beach” would probably be my room because I feel very comfortable and safe when I am in there. If I planned a picnic at my “tar beach” I would invite my family and friends because I can be myself around them and have fun.

  37. Abdullah Ahmad Period 3-
    Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by imagining herself flying. She imagines she rules the building, so she can do what she wants. A place near my house that could my beach, could be the lake . It would work because there are a lot of blossoms and the wind makes everything seem so beautiful. I would invite my father because he always knows how to make me feel happy. Also, he loves to watch the birds when they fly.

  38. Roma S.(pd.4) Cassie's life isnt the best one so to escape it all, she goes on her roof or known as "Tar Beach." She gets through her tough times by imagining and always looking at things on the brighter side. My "Tar Beach" would be my bedroom. It is a place where I could dream and get away from any problems as well as be myself without anyone judging. If I planned a picnic at my "Tar Beach" I would invite my closest friends, relitives and my sister. We could all have a fun time and do whatever pleases us without the world coming into our way.

  39. Katie Stevens. Period 4- Cassie tries to make her dreams come true by pretending they are all real and everything she is dreaming of is happening in the real world. My room would be the place i would go because it is something i can call my own. Its personal and its the room that expresses who i am. I feel safe and comfortable when im in my room. If i were to have a picnic i would invite my friends because they are the people who really know me.

  40. Kevin alvora- period 6

    Cassie try's to make her dreams come true by going on the roof of her apartment building which is called tar beach. A place where I would go is my bedroom because I can be alone in my bedroom and I can do or believe in anything I want to in my bedroom without any one knowing. If i were to have Punic in my bedroom I would invite my brother because me and my brother talk a lot and we already know everything about each other.

  41. Dominique Loguidice (Period 4)
    Cassie tried to make her dreams come true by imagining that she was flying all throughout the city of Harlem, being who she wanted and being free, as well as visiting her favorite place which was the bridge. My pretend beach would definitely be a Softball field. This is because I feel like I'm in my own world and nothing can bother me. It always takes my mind off of things and gives me awhile to feel relaxed and not feel completely under stress. It also lets me show who I am and what I enjoy to do. If I had to invite people to my picnic, I would invite my whole travel team, as well as my family and friends.

  42. Cassie turns her rooftop into a beach for her and her family because she feels that when she is up there she has all the freedom she wants and that anything can happen. This is because her rooftop makes everything look more realistic to her and it lets her know her dreams can come true and that she can have dreams of her own. I could pretend that my room was my own beach because it is where I feel most comfortable and safe. When I am lonely, I also go into my room to think and be to myself. If my room was my beach, I would invite my friends so it could be a place where we can talk about our feelings and emotions together.

  43. Conor McGillicuddy - Period 3 - Cassie's life is very different from my life. She is not completely free to do what she wants while I am. She seems confined in the city while I am free in the suburb. Near where I live, there is an old parking lot that no one uses. This is where I would ride my bike or even play with my friends. This spot would be great for a fun family picnic. I would invite the whole family to the picnic because everyone would be happy.

  44. Jake Trotta per.7-Cassie's life is very different from my life. She is not completely free to do what she wants. Cassies beach is like me having my own sports court i my backyard. this is where i spend time playing with my friends and having fun.

  45. Federica Balboni Period 4
    I have never been part of a club, but throughout my life and growing up I've watched movies, tv shows and seen my peers have exclusive clubs. Other people who have clubs that are exclusive only let there friends join because they think they are better then everyone else and don't let other people come in because they don't want to enteries within their friend group. To be left out of a club/group makes people sad, depressed and not feel good enough about themselves. I feel bad for people who are left out of activities because everyone should be able to do anything they want and be aloud to participate in anything.

  46. I believe that in my life and in Cassie's life we both have a place where we can go and feel free and feel like we can do anything we want to do. Cassie makes her dreams come true by going to a place that she's very familiar with and she pretends like she lives in a world where everything is perfect. Cassie invigions herself flying above harlem feeling free as well as visiting her favorite place of all, the Brooklyn Bridge. Cassie's "tar beach" if her rooftop. My "tar beach" would be New York City. This is true because when I go there I see my life 10 years from now living in the city and being on my own and being able to make my own choices. If I planned a picnic there I would invite my friends and family because I love to be around them because they make me happier and I always have a good time with them because most of my friends share the same interests as me. Lastly, I would invite Mary-Kate and Ashley only to my picnic because they live in the city so it would be convenient for them, and also because I always wanted to meet them and since they have such good fashion style I would love to see what they would be wearing and I would love to talk to them.

  47. ^^ That was from Emma LaBarbera; Period 7

  48. Jillian Roos , Period 4
    Cassie knows that she cannot have everything to herself due to the color of her skin and her age. Therefore, she decides that her roof top can be anything she wants without anybody telling her wrong, she calls it her 'Tar Beach'. When I was a child that resembled to me in my friend Rachel's backyard. Growing up I lived a few houses away from my best friend Rachel. Both of us had very big imaginations, we could make any game or creation. I vividly remember riding up and down the street on our bikes everyday and just ringing the other kids door bells asking to hangout. When i was 9 years old Rachel moved away to Luxemburg, a small country in Europe. When she moved all of the kids on my street went their separate ways. Now today if I could I would get my brother Matthew, Rachel, Rachel's brother Julian, Erin and her brother Timmy, then other neighbors John and Molly to go to Rachel's backyard, my tar beach.

  49. Harrison Steins- Period 7- Cassie was a young girl living in New York City who was black and not the wealthiest person, but this didn't stop her from trying to fulfill her dreams. When she was living in the city her family used to go up onto the roof which was their "tar beach", here she would dream that she could get away and go fly over the city. As she was flying she would go and claim every building and bridge and structure as her own or for her father. She tried hard to imagine a better life in which she had many of the things that she wanted. If I were to chose some place important to me as my tar beach I would say that it would be my TV room in the winter. this is a place where I can just immerse my self in what is going on at the time. If I was having a picnic then I would invite all of my good friends from school, because I can just have a good time with them and we joke around and it is just very relaxed.

  50. marie powell- cassie wwas i little girl that lived in new york city with her family. She was in a black family. Her family wasnt very rich not had the opertunity to go to beaches as of me i can go to beaches with my family. Even thought her and her family didnt go to beacher that felt like making their own little beach. the roof of the apartement they lived in was her beach. she had a great view on the bridgs and the city. she felt as if she owned the bridges because she would fly over them. she imagined a life as if she was in a wealthy family. for me it is when i go to france i feel so confertable and relaxed their i love it their for me it is my life.

  51. Carly Rutkovsky period 7
    Cassie, a young african american girl living in NYC found a place, dear to heart where she could find peace in the busy city around her and think about what she wanted to accomplish in life. despite her sad social and economical situation she tried hard to find the good things in life while laying on her "Tar Beach." my tar beach would have to be my den because i feel very relaxed there. if i was to have a picnic there i would invite my closest friends, which i usually do and watch tv and eat and joke about silly things.

  52. Sydney Rheingold Period 6- I believe that in both of our lives me and Cassie's, we both have a place where we can go and feel free and feel like we can do whatever we want to do without being judged. Cassie makes many of her dreams come true and come alive by going to a place that she's very familiar with. She pretends that everything in her world is perfect, when she was doing this she would imagine herself flying in the sky in Harlem going to her favorite place which was the bridge. My "tar beach" would probably be anywhere with my best friend. When I am with her I truly feel like I can be myself and not change myself. We can be in a plain room with nothing to do just a floor to sit on, and we will be fine. If I were to plan a picnic i would invite my closest friends and my oldest sister and her girlfriend because they are the people who truly know me and we would be able to have a good time without worrying about whats gonna happen in the future.

  53. Keith Lometti period 7- Cassie uses her imagination combined with a place that she loves to try and make her dreams of owning the bridge near her house. A place that I can be happy and feel happy and free is my other house in Long Beach because I feel happy and not worry about anything else in the world.

  54. Christian Rizzaro period 6- Cassie uses her roof and pretends its a beach to get away from all of her problems and it is a place where she feels special. I can compare my house upstate to this because when i am up there i feel like there is no problems to anything around me. It is very high up and you can see for miles and it makes me feel like i am on top of the world. It is the best way to get away from everything because there limited cell phone service and our closest neighbors are miles away. If i were to have a picnic it would be there and i would invite only my close friends and family because my upstate house is a place where i go to get away from everything and i would not want to bring any problems there.

  55. Nicolette Forgione Period 3 - Cassie's place to escape is her roof where she imagines it as a beach. The beach for her is a symbol of relaxation and a place to get away from everything that's going on in her life. A place where I can be happy and feel relaxed and free is in my backyard by the stream because that's where I like to think about everything and finally get to relax. No one bothers me and it's quiet so I can focus on my thoughts. If I planned a picnic in my backyard, I would invite all my friends so that I could share my special place with them and maybe they'll understand why it's so special to me and why I chose it as my escape place.
