Monday, September 12, 2011

Leaving them out....

Describe a time when you saw someone ostracized (excluded; left out). What happened to this person? Why were they isolated? What was your reaction? How did it make you feel? How did the victim respond?



  1. Sam L.Period 7. There was a time in 7th grade when i saw a kid being bullied. It made me feel sick inside. She looked defensless and scared. I went up to her and asked if she was okay then the people who were bullying her go in my face. The issue was soon solved when a teacher came over and told us to stop fighting. Me and that girl are bestfriends to this day and i hope that if anyone sees anyone bullied they do something about.

  2. Sydney M. Period 3- When I was in 8th grade I saw another 8th grader that wasn't being included in anything their group was doing. This made me feel awful inside because there was no reason that they should've been excluded and I knew what it felt like. When I saw this I started to befriend the girl and get to know her more so that she could become apart of what my group of friends were doing. This made me feel better because I knew that they had a person they could come to and talk with when they were feeling down.

  3. Matthew M. period 7- When I was in the 8th grade I saw a kid who was not able to sit at a certain lunch table because the group of kids at that table didn't like him. I felt so bad for the kid and I thought if I asked the kid to sit at my lunch table it would make him feel a lot better. When I asked the kid if he wanted to sit at my table it his face was really excited and he came and sat at our table. This made me feel a lot better because I knew all that kid wanted to do was to have friends

  4. Olivia B. Period 7- Once in 8th grade Math, there was a girl who went over to a group of people and asked them if she could sit down at their table. They all said yes, which I thought was really nice, but as soon as two of the group's best friends walked in the whole table got up and left the girl behind. I thought that the girl must have terrible and alone so I asked her if she would come and sit with a group of my friends because we had an extra seat. She got so excited and happy that she rushed over to my table and started making conversation. Even though I am not close friends with this girl, I am really happy that I was able to make her feel better on that one day.

  5. Nicole D'Annibale Period 4- A time when i saw someone left out was at school at lunch. A bunch of tables were full and that person was alone at a table. This person was isolated because everyone thought that that person was weird and didn't like that person. I felt bad for that person and didn't understand why everyone would be so mean to her. She looked sad and alone.

  6. Carlye Uretta Period 4- A time that i saw a person being left out was at school in 2nd grade, there was a new girl and at lunch she had nowhere to sit so i went over to introduce myself and then introduced her to a few people that i thought she would make good friends with. I made her feel comforted because she had nobody but then she had me, the girl is now good friends with the people i introduced her to and im glad i was able to help her find her group of friends so she didnt feel left out on the first day.

  7. Chris G Period 7- There was this kid in the 5th grade who really didnt have any friends. She would sit at the lunch table alone and none of us really did anything about it. Looking back at it now i wish i had done something. But the kid ended up making friends on their own. If i could go back and invite that person to the lunch table i definently would.

  8. Once in elementary school, there was a new student. She always seemed to be by herself. One day the teacher asked us to get into groups. The girl didn't get into a group, she just sat by herself. No one really knew her so they didn't bother to ask her to join their group. I felt really sad for her and I wanted to ask her to join my group, but I couldn't because there was already too many people in my group. Finally she gathered enough courage to ask a group if she could join. The group happily acceped her because they wanted to know her better. I thought that was a very brave thingbto do.

  9. Jacee Cappelli period 7- Back in elementary school there was this girl who i sort of new. She, i guess, got into a fight with her friends and they pushed her a away and left her out of their group. So for a while she really had no place to sit, so she sat in the way back of the cafeteria with no one. I felt really bad for her so after asking my friends, I asked her if she wanted to sit with us. This made me feel happy because i know that i made her feel better and like she didn't have to be left out anymore.

  10. Sydney Rheingold Period 6- A time where i saw someone being left out was in elementary school. This girl got into a fight with her friends and since they were all fighting they decided to do more to make her jealous. This girl didn't know what to do at first, then thinking about it she thought it was easier to just make them believe that it didn't bother her, but she knew that it did. She would sit alone everywhere, in the cafeteria, in the auditorium, in the classroom. I didn't really know what I should do and if I should do anything, so I sat back and watched. Now that I think about it I wish I could of done something different, like invited her to hang out with my friends.

  11. Tory T Period 6- A time when I saw someone left out was in eighth grade. There was a girl I knew who didn't have anywhere to sit and was trying to go to extra helps instead of going to lunch. I wasn't as close with her as I am now, but one day I asked her if she wanted to sit with us instead today. I wish I could have done something sooner.

  12. Amanda Levkoff Period 6: A time where I saw someone being left out was in school. This girl in my grade during lunch would stand up behind a table of girls sitting down because they never invited her to sit with them and she probably felt alone and insecure about herself. I didn't do anything about this but looking back on it now I would have invited her to sit with my friends and I.

  13. Samantha O period 6 One time there was this new girl is my class sitting all alonr i known i feeel stupid sitting alone. so as sjy as i was i went over to her and she was really happy that i sat down i was happy too i made a new friend and i know i did because we sat together the rest of the year and we had lots in common

  14. James D- Period 6: A time when I saw someone being left out was when I was in 6th grade and on a cyo basketball team. There was a kid who came to every practice and game, but wasn't very good. He was always ready to play, but most times sat on the bench and saw no playing time. He was isolated because most of the time he was on the bench when everyone was in the game. I was upset because he was never mad and was a good sport. I tried to give im the ball every time he was in.He had a good attitude and and came to every game and supported the team.

  15. Harrison S. Period 4, one time I was in class and met a new kid to school. At lunch he would sit alone because he was from a different country no one knew him and he didn't have many friends. I knew how it must have felt to sit alone during the first week of school. I felt bad for him and I was in the library I had him come sit with me and my friends, I quickly became friends with him and try to help him out as I can.

  16. Ariel C. Period 6, In elementary school, a new girl had moved to Harrison. She didn't know anyone yet and a lot of girls at our school were very cliquey. No one was going out of their way to make her feel comfortable. I felt so bad for her, but being a 4th grader I didn't not know how to empathize yet. My group of friends decided to invite her to sit at our table at lunch and the smile on her face was a great payback.

  17. Scott B. Period 4, In elementary school there was one kid who was usualy alone. He had very few friends and seemed lonely. I felt so bad for him. I decided to talk to him and we became great friends.

  18. Brandon A. pd.3, in eigth grade I saw a kid who ate lunch by himself. on the third day I felt really bad for him so I invited him to my table to eat. When I asked him to come to my table, he had a huge smile on his face.

  19. courtney m. pd 4 the last time i saw someone left out was two years ago and he was new to my old school and he was different so know one wanted him to be with them so me and my friends invited him to hang with us and he was actually a really nice person

  20. Richard H. Period 3, over the summer I had to room with some other kids, and there was this kind of lonely kid that no one wanted to room with. I felt bad because I didn't offer him to sleep near me, I felt ashamed that no one wanted to sleep near him and he felt isolated

  21. Shyla S. Pd 7 when i was in 8th grade a girl in one of my classes was alone without a partner so i decided to be her partner, i soon became one of her close friends but she was a grade younger so i haven't seen her since my last day of LMK

  22. Conor M. - Period 3 - In 7th grade there was a new student to our school. He was in many of my classes and we did the same sports. Throughout the year I would try and be friendly because it is always hard to be the "new kid" and I wanted to make that easier for my new friend. At the end of the school year he thanked me for helping him get through the toughest part of the school for him.

  23. Jackie D. period 6. last year in 8th grade. mr dimomdo came to our lunch table and told us there was a new girl in the school, and she didnt have anywhere tom sit, and she wanted to sit with us. i felt really angry at the whole grade because i could not believe no one offred tom include her in anything! so im glad we had her sit with us , and she still a member at our table today. the next day anoither new girl looked lost and no one was helping her in the lunch room. I got up and told her she could sit with us.

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  25. Federica Balboni Period 4
    Recently this year, my two best friends and I were hanging out. One of my friends and I started joking around and was picking on our other friend and then she left the room to go sit alone. Through out the whole thing it was a joke, well at least we thought so, but our friend really did feel hurt and left out and didn't find it funny anymore. I felt so guilty and bad because I hurt my best friend. Later on I apologized to her because I know how she feels and I would be really un happy if my two best friends picked on me. She accepted my apology and I promised never be mean to her again even as a joke because now I know it really can hurt somebody.

  26. Kiana Comizio Period 7
    Last summer when I was at lacrosse camp in Florida I met a girl named Maddie. Maddie was very shy and usually isolated from the rest of the kids in the group. After the first day of camp cliques of friends already had formed and Maddie wasn't in one. It looked like Maddie felt ostracized because she always looked nervous and uncomfortable. When our counselor told us to partner up Maddie didn't have a partner so I told her she could join my group. I did this because I felt bad for her because she didn't have any friends and she probably just wanted to feel included. I know how it feels to be left out and I try not to do it to others because I know how bad it makes me feel. From being partners with Maddie I learned a lot about her and discovered she was really nice and funny. Maddie later thanked me for including her and it made me feel proud of myself for helping her out.

  27. Daniel Quinn Period 4- A time when I saw a person being ostracized was when waiting for the bus and a bunch of younger kids waiting for the bus as well. They were all having a conversation (I don't know about what) and a kid was trying to get into the circle but was told he wasn't aloud to. After this the kid walked away looking like he was about to cry. I was in shock after witnessing this.

  28. Max Uretta Period 7- A time i saw a person being ostracized was when me and my friends were playing football, one of our friends hurt their foot so he was unable to play so he was just sitting there watching us play football and i felt bad for him so i went over and sat with him instead of playing football. I was glad i did this because it made my friend feel comforted in a time where he was unable to participate because of his injury.

  29. Keith Lometti period 7-A time that i saw someone ostracized was when my friend wanted to play basketball at LMK during recess, but the people said he could not play because they already had too many people and they had already started the game so they did not let him join. I felt bad for him so i invited him to play football with my other friends. I was glad I helped him.

  30. Jillian Roos. Period 4- A time where I felt isolated was when I was at my old school and everyone in my classes were friends already. When the teacher would make us pick our partners I would usually be left alone. One day this girl Lauren asked me to be partners with her for a math project with Her and the rest of her friends . I felt really happy that somebody was branching out to me.

  31. Melanie s. Period 6: Last year there was a new girl that came to the school. She didnt know anyone at all and she didnt have any friends in the class either. I decided to sit next to her one class and I found out that she was really nice person to talk to.

  32. Katie Stevens. Period 4- Last summer at camp I was talking in a group with one boy and another girl. Another girl who I was friends with came up behind us and asked to join the conversation we were having. The boy in the group denied her request because he did not like her sister. I could see through her facial expressions that she did not like the way she was treated and as she slowly walked away, I invited her into the group. I felt very good about myself knowing that I made another person happy. The boy should not have excluded her, because you cannot judge a book by its cover. My friend and her sister are two completely different people, and it’s important to give people chances.

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  34. Emily Coash-Period 7
    A time where i saw someone left out is when a girl who was good friends with a group suddenly got isolated and ostracized. She came into the cafeteria and didn't know where to sit. She could either sit with "friends" or alone. I saw a look on her face and invited her to come sit at my table. From this day on i am friends with that girl! I know how it feels to be left out and it does not feel good. Even if your not good friends or don't know the victim, little gestures like asking them to sit with you can make there day/

  35. A time when I saw someone being left out was during the first week of high school during a free period I saw a boy sitting all alone in the cafeteria. I felt bad for him because people were making comments about how he had mental disabilities and no one wanted to sit with them. I stood up for the boy and attempted to walk over to him to sit with him, but I got embarrassed and went back to my friends. I really wish I would have gone and sat with him, he probably wouldn't have felt so alone.

  36. Emma L.- Period 7 A time when I saw someone being left out was in 7th grade when my friends and I noticed a new girl to LMK wondering around the lunch room looking for a table to sit at. I felt horrible for her because I know what it feels like to be left out and in an uncomfortable situation so my friends and I invited her to sit at our table. As soon as she sat down you could tell that she became a lot more relaxed and comfortable here at LMK. I felt good about making someone else happy because it shows just how easy it is to be nice to someone.

  37. Sabrina A - period 4- It was the middle of 6th grade. I walked into home base and saw that there was a new girl in the class. By the look on her face I could tell she was scared, worried and alone. I decided to go over to her and introduce myself. She smiled and we have been good friends ever since.

  38. Oriana Flecha 7th period-
    A time when i saw someone being left out was in school. In class we were all working in our groups, we had the choice to work with who we wanted to, and when we were all communicating and interacting with each other i noticed that someone was left out, they were new and shy so they didn't know anyone, so i invited them to work with us.

  39. Nick F period 3- One time at basketball, a boy that was trying out had mental disabilities and no one wanted to be on his team when we were playing a game. I felt bad for him because he was always left out and he was always picked last. I decided to pick him first for once instead of last. I felt glad that I was nice to someone who usually felt isolated.

  40. Shannon Z. Period 6:
    A time I saw someone being left ostrisized was in the cafeteria, there was a new student who was sitting alone, because he was shy and didn't know anyone he could sit with. I felt bad for him because he didn't have any friends and just was excluded from all the other tables because no one knew him. So I invited him to sit at my table so he wouldn't sit alone.

  41. Brian G Pd 3:
    One time that i saw someone being ostracized was when there were schoo pick up games of basketball. There would be two captains (1 per team) and each captain would pick a player on their team unitl there were no players left. The two captains were intensely creating their squad until there was one boy left. This boy wasn't strong, he wasn't fast, he couldn't shoot, pass, or dribble. Pretty much his only helpful asset was that he tried very hard. Since nobody wanted him, he was kicked off the court. The young boy was disapponted and slowly walked off the court. I could see a tear streaming down his face. He was isolated because he was insignificant for a pick up basketball game. I stood up and motioned him back to the court. I told the captains that i wanted to be a captain too. Therefore we re-did the draft, and i picked that boy on my team. The victim was delighted. Although he didn't score in the game we soon played after, he was extremely ecstatic. Which made me feel like i had made a diference.

  42. Brian G Pd 3:
    One time that i saw someone being ostracized was when there were schoo pick up games of basketball. There would be two captains (1 per team) and each captain would pick a player on their team unitl there were no players left. The two captains were intensely creating their squad until there was one boy left. This boy wasn't strong, he wasn't fast, he couldn't shoot, pass, or dribble. Pretty much his only helpful asset was that he tried very hard. Since nobody wanted him, he was kicked off the court. The young boy was disapponted and slowly walked off the court. I could see a tear streaming down his face. He was isolated because he was insignificant for a pick up basketball game. I stood up and motioned him back to the court. I told the captains that i wanted to be a captain too. Therefore we re-did the draft, and i picked that boy on my team. The victim was delighted. Although he didn't score in the game we soon played after, he was extremely ecstatic. Which made me feel like i had made a diference.

  43. Mark Menniti
    Last year i saw a group of people trying to avoid this one person and from the past i know how it feels and i know it dosent feel good so i tryed to help him by makeing friends with him and making him make new friends like puting him under my wing and let him be friends with every one i am i would never like to see some one be left out because it really does hurt.

  44. Jennifer Moran Period 7-
    I went out one night with all my friends to a party and everyone was having a good time. When I went to go get something to drink, I noticed that one of my friends was all alone and sad. I felt bad for her because I hate seeing any of my friends being out of anything! I asked what was wrong and she said that one of my other friends called her a bad name and told her that her dress is to short and she was trying to get all the attention. And it was true, her dress was short but it wasn’t on purpose she said. I told her to forget about it and me and her just hung out and all that mattered at the end was that me and her were friends and I have my friends back.
